02-29-2016, 11:53 PM
I might be one of the oldest on the server (past 40). I have been playing video games since the Tandy and the Atari. I also to ftf RPG (also known as pen & paper). Currently running a 2nd Edition, Player's Option AD&D game and a West End D6 Star Wars game. When I am not minecrafting, at work or working on the ftf games, I'm either writing; mostly sci-fi, fantasy, or horror, or playing other time sinks (Civilization, GTA V, or FTl are the current distractions). I'm married, with a kid who is in her late teens (and has been on the server at least once). And I listen to pretty much any genre of music; I have classical, rock, rap, pop, country, show tunes, scores, and nearly everything in between in my collection.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.