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stuff you did as a child - Printable Version

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RE: stuff you did as a child - andreasdb39 - 03-15-2016

Well this will be a short list.

-Almost beat a kid into a clinic (just a broken nose ... (still feel bad about that)/(he was my bully))
-Stepped onto way to many Lego bricks
-Got in a position that I was being farted on by FIVE girls
-walk THROUGH a glass door
-A head enjury, while at a field trip with the firefighters... (got a hose on my head)
-Make a bow, got the wood to explode (don't even ask)
-Slept with a teddy bear till I was 12 ... #BlameMinorChildTrauma
-fell out of a tree
-Started playing minecraft

RE: stuff you did as a child - ZoBot_ - 03-15-2016

1.Knocked out by a football while watching my older brother play footie
2.I'll meet you at the tree in the play ground..."nice to meet you I'm Zo" *shakes hands*
3.played teenagers
4. Watched spongebob
5. Four is a lie I still watch it.
6. Took my bear everywhere.
7. Got hit in the face with a rock
8. Attacked Jo
9. Now we wrestle and he doesn't cry anymore
10. I still sleep with my bear (don't judge he's so soft and school makes me anxious all the time)
11. Play Pokémon (still do)
12. Hated Brussels (how did I ever hate them oml sprouts are amazing)
13. One panel= bad luck. Two panels = good luck. Three panels= bad luck
14. Smile at the dog but ignore the owner

RE: stuff you did as a child - Beo - 03-15-2016

Ok someone mentioned Webkinz
Let's talk about that for a second
I had like 18 of them. Legit

So when I was growing up, my neighbor was like 6 months younger than me but in the grade below me. We used to play together like every day, sometimes with my younger brother. We spent every single day after school, on weekends, and over the summer playing together. We played in our backyards, running back and forth between the two of them all the time. We climbed trees, played in my treehouse, played our own variation of 4-square with our own made-up rules, rode our bikes around the block.

We fricking loved hoses and made our own "water parks". We also did hella digging up of worms.

You know the movie Bridge to Teribithia? We loved that movie and we always pretended that we were in that world with a rope swing that used to be in my backyard. Sadly, the tree fell recently.
We also played with American Girl Dolls and made houses for fairies. We stopped playing together a lot in like 4-6th grade, which is when I met my current best friend.

I also used to play Star Wars (we had like 7 lightsabers), Indiana Jones, and nerf guns with my brothers and spent a lot of time at my grandparent's beach house.

I watched a bit of TV, mostly Disney channel, but I kinda preferred to play outside and with dolls and such. I played some video games. My favorites were Pokemon Pearl for the DS in like 3rd grade and Super Mario Bros for the Wii :')

I probably forgot some stuff, but that's the gist of it Smile

RE: stuff you did as a child - Seasoap - 03-17-2016

- Found numerous ways to injure my head (don't appear to have an issues because of it.. I don't think..)
- Have yet to seriously injure anything (i.e. break a bone, fracture or so on) *touch wood*
- Started quarrels with my brother, then blame him
- Tested the waters of various sports, yet to find something to hold my attention
- Spent a lot of time with my nose in a book, still do
- Prank called the police ?
- Threw tantrums and probably a lot more, I forget now