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Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Printable Version

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RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Star - 08-17-2016

(08-17-2016, 08:54 AM)FruitsAndVeggies Wrote: After these comments, Lex steps in for the first time, as shown here:

[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> gay isnt a curse?
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> gay
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> FruitsAndVeggies, im gonna let u know rn
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> trollings just gonna get u banned
[CHAT] [Guest] FruitsAndVeggies >> srry Sad
[CHAT] [Mod] Lex >> and im out of patience today

I addressed the above in the original post. I made a few jokes the first 10 minutes I was on. If anyone had said, "Hey, that's offensive to me, please stop." I would of completely complied and apologized, but no one said anything like that. I was saying Lex was abusive because of Plug.Dj, but I changed my mind about that. You can read it in the most recent edit of the original post. As for Vil, he threatened to ban for, and would not give me a reason why. That should raise a red flag with anyone. You should not be able to freely threaten people with a ban for no reason.

Also what is a thread rating? I see this one has like 4 stars and I'm not sure what that means.

Lex essentially told you to stop, she shouldn't need to spell it out for you.
You said you would have completely complied and apologized, and you said "srry", which seems like you understood it was time to stop, but you replied with asking if the n word was okay, showing you going back on your word minutes later.

Vil came online and responded to you as Lex wanted an admin to take care of the situation, so he launched into it rather than wasting time. Granted he could have explained Lex asked him to take over, but at that point, I'd have been fed up as well. He didn't freely threaten to ban you for no reason, he actually had a pretty good one.

As for thread rating, no idea.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - VanillaKitty - 08-17-2016


I blame Grimm for this.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - The_Epic_Legend - 08-18-2016

Yes Star, I did say "I'm not deaf, I just don't have much love for shitty rap" after he commented saying all our songs were shit, are we deaf

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Sky - 08-18-2016

Thread rating is how high it's rated by players, this one is high because it's so damn juicy
[Image: T7597Ao.png]

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Landline - 08-18-2016

If I could make a suggestion...

FruitsAndVeggies is demonstrating classic Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, probably along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome.

From WebMD:

"They start early in life. If you're a mom or dad of a kid who has it, you may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that your child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to say or how to respond when someone talks to him.

"He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language or the expressions on people's faces. For instance, he may not realize that when somebody crosses his arms and scowls, he's angry.

"Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat, robotic kind of way.

"If your child has the condition, he may talk about himself most of the time and zero in with a lot of intensity on a single subject, like rocks or football stats. And he might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. He might also do the same movements over and over.

"He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another during the school day."
Only reason I know this is because I"m raising a kid with similar issues. Continuing to try and discuss this issue with him (her?) will only serve to aggravate the problem. It would be wise for FruitsAndVeggies to consider being evaluated for ASDs. A diagnosis could lead to better grades in school, and a better social life, once the correct medicine and training is applied.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Nether_Ruler - 08-19-2016

(08-18-2016, 11:51 PM)Landline Wrote: If I could make a suggestion...

FruitsAndVeggies is demonstrating classic Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, probably along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome.  

From WebMD:

"They start early in life. If you're a mom or dad of a kid who has it, you may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that your child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to say or how to respond when someone talks to him.

"He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language or the expressions on people's faces. For instance, he may not realize that when somebody crosses his arms and scowls, he's angry.

"Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat, robotic kind of way.

"If your child has the condition, he may talk about himself most of the time and zero in with a lot of intensity on a single subject, like rocks or football stats. And he might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. He might also do the same movements over and over.

"He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another during the school day."
Only reason I know this is because I"m raising a kid with similar issues.  Continuing to try and discuss this issue with him (her?) will only serve to aggravate the problem.  It would be wise for FruitsAndVeggies to consider being evaluated for ASDs.  A diagnosis could lead to better grades in school, and a better social life, once the correct medicine and training is applied.
Some predicament you have here

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Wiseman738 - 08-19-2016

(08-18-2016, 11:51 PM)Landline Wrote: If I could make a suggestion...

FruitsAndVeggies is demonstrating classic Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, probably along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome.  

From WebMD:

"They start early in life. If you're a mom or dad of a kid who has it, you may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that your child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to say or how to respond when someone talks to him.

"He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language or the expressions on people's faces. For instance, he may not realize that when somebody crosses his arms and scowls, he's angry.

"Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat, robotic kind of way.

"If your child has the condition, he may talk about himself most of the time and zero in with a lot of intensity on a single subject, like rocks or football stats. And he might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. He might also do the same movements over and over.

"He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another during the school day."

Your  internet diagnosis is not helping anyone so please take it elsewhere.

I am a specalist in working with those with additional needs and can tell you that whether or not somebody had that condition it would be equally damaging to pass out or even recommend diagnosis on the internet. Just as severe as those who use the internet to pick and choose symptoms and self-diagnose.

Alas if it is true it would be the fault of the parent for letting a child with complex needs to be part of another communal system without supervision. However that would be nothing but speculation at this time.

So please refrain from doing so again in the future.

PS: Which national medical system are you using? Is it the US? If so i wouldn't be suprised, they're very keen on diagnosing any child for anything and promtly medicating them. Same thing happens in the UK with Dyslexia.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - DK_ - 08-19-2016

Please keep a respectful tone on the forums and stay on topic. Do not post anything that would cause unnecessary tension or hostility.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Landline - 08-19-2016

(08-19-2016, 01:40 AM)Wiseman738 Wrote:
(08-18-2016, 11:51 PM)Landline Wrote: If I could make a suggestion...

FruitsAndVeggies is demonstrating classic Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, probably along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome.  

From WebMD:

"They start early in life. If you're a mom or dad of a kid who has it, you may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that your child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to say or how to respond when someone talks to him.

"He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language or the expressions on people's faces. For instance, he may not realize that when somebody crosses his arms and scowls, he's angry.

"Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat, robotic kind of way.

"If your child has the condition, he may talk about himself most of the time and zero in with a lot of intensity on a single subject, like rocks or football stats. And he might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. He might also do the same movements over and over.

"He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another during the school day."

Your  internet diagnosis is not helping anyone so please take it elsewhere.

I am a specalist in working with those with additional needs and can tell you that whether or not somebody had that condition it would be equally damaging to pass out or even recommend diagnosis on the internet. Just as severe as those who use the internet to pick and choose symptoms and self-diagnose.

Alas if it is true it would be the fault of the parent for letting a child with complex needs to be part of another communal system without supervision. However that would be nothing but speculation at this time.

So please refrain from doing so again in the future.

PS: Which national medical system are you using? Is it the US? If so i wouldn't be suprised, they're very keen on diagnosing any child for anything and promtly medicating them. Same thing happens in the UK with Dyslexia.

Yes, I'm from the US.  Only things I know are that, my child was having difficulty in school, had to sit isolated, popped off a lot, was often off-topic, easily distracted, and struggling.  A diagnosis by a qualified medical professional here ascertained that with counseling therapy, and medication, she would be able to function better.  The medicine helped her focus in school, resulting in immediate improvement in grades, an increased number of friends, less combativeness, and an overall happier child.

I suspect if this kind of diagnosis could have been made when I was her age, I might have done better in school and life.  I also suspect my mother-in-law would have been able to overcome some of the obstacles she is experiencing.  As it stands, both I and my mother-in-law had to figure out life the old-fashioned way.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that, as well as there is nothing wrong with refusing to take an aspirin when one's head hurts, or refusing to put bandages on a cut to allow it to heal.  And yes, we could have done the same thing with our child, and endure the frustration, door slamming, anti-social behavior, screaming, arguing, and all the while teaching her how to hopefully focus on her studies, and work hard.

you might say we took the easy way out.  It's all opinion.

As is my thought that there may be some ASD issues here.  It was not intended as a diagnosis - I am not a professional.  It was more intended to help the mods understand what might be the problem, and maybe give them a different perspective on the situation, in the hopes that it might diffuse.  I have suggested similar things to other people who have had a hard time dealing with people demonstrating anti-social behavior, and their attitude towards the offending person changed significantly, making it easier on both the offender, and the "offendee".

If you take issue with this suggestion, then I offer my sincerest apologies for intruding in this conversation, in an attempt to help.  I can see that my input is not wanted or valued.  I also apologize for hijacking this thread with these issues.  If the moderators would like, my previous posts can be removed, if they are deemed that offensive.

This entire planet seems to have a raw nerve as of late.

RE: Abusive Staff (Lexachu, Viloceraptor) - Wiseman738 - 08-19-2016

(08-19-2016, 02:35 AM)Landline Wrote:
(08-19-2016, 01:40 AM)Wiseman738 Wrote:
(08-18-2016, 11:51 PM)Landline Wrote: If I could make a suggestion...

FruitsAndVeggies is demonstrating classic Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms, probably along the lines of Asperger's Syndrome.  

From WebMD:

"They start early in life. If you're a mom or dad of a kid who has it, you may notice that he can't make eye contact. You may also find that your child seems awkward in social situations and doesn't know what to say or how to respond when someone talks to him.

"He may miss social cues that are obvious to other folks, like body language or the expressions on people's faces. For instance, he may not realize that when somebody crosses his arms and scowls, he's angry.

"Another sign is that your child may show few emotions. He may not smile when he's happy or laugh at a joke. Or he may speak in a flat, robotic kind of way.

"If your child has the condition, he may talk about himself most of the time and zero in with a lot of intensity on a single subject, like rocks or football stats. And he might repeat himself a lot, especially on a topic that he's interested in. He might also do the same movements over and over.

"He also may dislike change. For instance, he may eat the same food for breakfast every day or have trouble moving from one class to another during the school day."

Your  internet diagnosis is not helping anyone so please take it elsewhere.

I am a specalist in working with those with additional needs and can tell you that whether or not somebody had that condition it would be equally damaging to pass out or even recommend diagnosis on the internet. Just as severe as those who use the internet to pick and choose symptoms and self-diagnose.

Alas if it is true it would be the fault of the parent for letting a child with complex needs to be part of another communal system without supervision. However that would be nothing but speculation at this time.

So please refrain from doing so again in the future.

PS: Which national medical system are you using? Is it the US? If so i wouldn't be suprised, they're very keen on diagnosing any child for anything and promtly medicating them. Same thing happens in the UK with Dyslexia.

Yes, I'm from the US.  Only things I know are that, my child was having difficulty in school, had to sit isolated, popped off a lot, was often off-topic, easily distracted, and struggling.  A diagnosis by a qualified medical professional here ascertained that with counseling therapy, and medication, she would be able to function better.  The medicine helped her focus in school, resulting in immediate improvement in grades, an increased number of friends, less combativeness, and an overall happier child.

I suspect if this kind of diagnosis could have been made when I was her age, I might have done better in school and life.  I also suspect my mother-in-law would have been able to overcome some of the obstacles she is experiencing.  As it stands, both I and my mother-in-law had to figure out life the old-fashioned way.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that, as well as there is nothing wrong with refusing to take an aspirin when one's head hurts, or refusing to put bandages on a cut to allow it to heal.  And yes, we could have done the same thing with our child, and endure the frustration, door slamming, anti-social behavior, screaming, arguing, and all the while teaching her how to hopefully focus on her studies, and work hard.

you might say we took the easy way out.  It's all opinion.

As is my thought that there may be some ASD issues here.  It was not intended as a diagnosis - I am not a professional.  It was more intended to help the mods understand what might be the problem, and maybe give them a different perspective on the situation, in the hopes that it might diffuse.  I have suggested similar things to other people who have had a hard time dealing with people demonstrating anti-social behavior, and their attitude towards the offending person changed significantly, making it easier on both the offender, and the "offendee".

If you take issue with this suggestion, then I offer my sincerest apologies for intruding in this conversation, in an attempt to help.  I can see that my input is not wanted or valued.  I also apologize for hijacking this thread with these issues.  If the moderators would like, my previous posts can be removed, if they are deemed that offensive.

This entire planet seems to have a raw nerve as of late.

Thank you for an intelligent reply. It's nice conversing with someone who deals with children with similar issues to I.

However pleae don't feel i was attacking you for medicating your child, aboslutely not and in many cases of ASD it is super necessary! :Smile  I meant in general US society there's massive over-medication due to the prescription giants. Similar in the UK, over half of women in the UK are on prescribed medication.

I wish all the parents i dealt with in the UK were as level headed as you are! Smile I also with you best of the luck in the future with your child! Working with people with ASD does not end at adulthood no matter how much my government wishes it to be so.

Best regards