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My 2nd ban appeal - Printable Version

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My 2nd ban appeal - The_4thdoctor - 08-30-2016

I love pie
Server i was banned from: smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft ign: The_4thdoctor

Reason: griefing/altering somethingbthat wasn't mine to alter

Banned by: DK_

Why unban me: the reason i griefed was because i lost all my stuff and i got really mad, i know that isn't a good reason to grief, nothing is a reason for griefing.But it was a very dumb way of behaving and if you let me back on to the server i swear i will never do anything like it again

Why i want to return: i really care to come back to the server, it is the only one i play on and all my friends are there, i wish to continue building my mesa and doing fun stuff with the people on the server. Again i am very sorry and i hope you can forgive me HomeTown staff... Sad

RE: My 2nd ban appeal - The_4thdoctor - 08-31-2016

Also question, do i have to be unbanned by DK_ specifically?

RE: My 2nd ban appeal - DK_ - 09-04-2016

You've been here long enough to know that griefing is against the rules. Yet, when you were confronted, you decided to go with "Fuck it, ban me if you want, I don't care anymore" instead of handling it in a mature way. Looking on Discord, you don't seem like you're even taking this seriously. Why should I consider unbanning you?

RE: My 2nd ban appeal - The_4thdoctor - 09-04-2016

i really am sorry, and i know grief is against the rules. i just joke around on discord cuz i wanna come back.
i love the server and would do anything to come back to it...
please do consider unbanning me dk, i can't think of a better server than this to play on.

RE: My 2nd ban appeal - DK_ - 09-05-2016

Joking around does not get you unbanned. We expect players who've been here for as long as you have to behave and respond in a mature matter. Even after the ban, you've done nothing but complain on Discord, which is why I've delayed my responses as much as I have. How can I know you'd behave if I were to unban you?

RE: My 2nd ban appeal - The_4thdoctor - 09-14-2016

hey, i am really sorry for acting so childish about my ban, i have taken a break from hometown now and it feels better. so i was hoping to be unbanned from the server, i have no reason to say i didn't miss beeing a member of the server.
i wish to rejoin the server and i swear that i will be less irretating from now on


RE: My 2nd ban appeal - DK_ - 09-16-2016

You've been unbanned. Don't let this repeat itself.