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Mods & Admins not always contactable in game - Printable Version

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Mods & Admins not always contactable in game - belgnbor - 10-04-2016

There has been several times in game where I have wanted to contact an admin or mod via private message to either ask a question about something or note grief, I don't always want to put it in general chat.  But when you go to find out their real in-game name it says player not found, so there is no way to contact them without blurting it out in general chat which is not always a good thing.  I thought Mods and Admin where there so players could get their assistance, but if you can't contact them how can they assist.  I feel I shouldn't have to blurt out in general chat that I want to talk to an admin or mod, I should be able to contact them privately in game whilst they are on.  Are mods classed as staff? or is it only admin as staff?  I don't know.

RE: Mods & Admins not always contactable in game - TheOnlyKat - 10-04-2016

Enforcer, Mod, Admin and Founder are staff. If you are finding that there is grief, the ranks I listed are the ones to go to. If a warp is wanted to be set thats Mod+. In addition if you wish to contact staff else where try our discord server, most of us are active there.