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Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Printable Version

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Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Bigassmofo0204 - 10-28-2016

So for as long as I have been on HomeTown( I think a year now) I still have not fully understand how mob cap really count. Always so confused and worried to hit the mob cap and despawn everything.
Well, I read up a bit and now finally have a better picture.

Hostile = 70 
Passive = 10
Ambient (Bats) = 15
Water (Squids) = 5

Finding this clarified so much more but now I would just like to know how to fill in the piece for HomeTown Mob Cap

Please Fill in :
Hostile = ??
Passive = ??
Ambient (Bats) = ??
Water (Squids) = ??

Please help a Big Ass out  Heart


RE: Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Arrei - 10-29-2016

Default Spigot spawning uses an algorithm that takes the spawn cap setting along with the amount of loaded chunks to generate a mob cap on that type. I can't look up the formula at work, but suffice it to say these numbers you have here are only a baseline starting point. For hostiles, animals, and water mobs, our setting is unchanged, but our lower view distance to deal with lag compared to the vanilla SSP distance means SMP has quite a lower mob cap. Ambient mobs, however, are set to 0 so that bats never spawn, as they serve no gameplay purpose and no one even notices they're gone.

RE: Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Bigassmofo0204 - 10-29-2016

Thank you for the response Arrei,

I guess my questions is more about, how to mange with the 40 Mob Cap that we see in the tutorial.

For example I have been trying to figure a way for a Villager Breeder and a Guardian Farm to work side by side.
What would be safe distance to keep the two running at the same time without having the Guardians despawning the Villagers and vise versa.
If I had 18 Villagers in my Breeder above the Guardian Farm in the same chunk of the kill zone. Does that mean 22 Guardians appear than all villager + the guardian will despwan?

And would this cause any lags?

The iron farm will be at least another 80-100 blocks away too.

While we are on the subject, how does Iron Golem affect the mob despawn too?
would it despawn villagers or guardians.

Trying to build efficient farms together without causing despawn and lag.

Please Teach me Master Arrei Heart


RE: Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - shisuan - 11-01-2016

Aslong as you have the breeder 100 blocks away from the ironfarm there are no issues what so ever.

I used to run ironfarm and guardianfarm at the same spot without seeing any lack of guardians what so ever and never lost any villagers. Just contact me in game and I can show you.

RE: Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Arrei - 11-03-2016

For the despawning cap, that's a separate plugin that forces mobs to despawn if there are too many in a specific chunk. There are separate caps for hostiles and passives, so that monsters won't cause animals and villagers to despawn and vice versa. But if you, say, left a chicken or villager auto-breeder on for too long, they'd start to despawn at whatever location they're congregating at, making it so no further gains are made once they hit the cap of 40 mobs. If you also made the poor decision of keeping these mobs in the same chunk as other passives, they too would disappear randomly. You could do things like create redstone mechanisms that ferry additional spawns elsewhere once a cap is reached, but there is also the separate issue where the staff reserves the right to trim down any farms that grow too large for one area. This is rare, but if you, say, decided to keep 100 of each animal in the middle of a town with other players' animals and item frames and so forth, that's a culling.

I am actually unsure what governs iron golems, as they don't cause villagers to despawn (as evidenced by four-pod iron towers working without issue) but they don't seem to count as monsters either.

However, there is a separate issue relating to the mob cap from vanilla/Spigot outlined in the previous post. That cap is per world instead of per chunk, so even though a farm won't allow more than 40 skeletons or something to stand in a kill chamber, they will continue to occupy their spots in the global spawn cap if not killed, which is why we forbid simply standing around in a farm not killing your mobs.

RE: Lets Talk About Mob Cap ! - Bigassmofo0204 - 11-07-2016

Thank you Shis for showing me your placements of the farms in game!

Wow wow wow, Arrei that was a mouth full! Ill make sure to save this in my bookmark! Thank you for taking your time to explain. This has cleared up any question I had.

Feel free to stop by anytime I would love to hear how u see I can improve my builds and redstoneing to reduce lag.

-BAM  Heart