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I'm back - Printable Version

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I'm back - _JELLy__ - 04-07-2017

I know, it's been about 5 months, but sometimes you simply run out of steam for minecraft. 
Now the semester is drawing to a close, I'm back in force! 
I know most of my farms are broken and a few is shut down, But I'll be fixing my XP farms and building more public farms.
Yes, I've learned that lag is quite bad in some areas, and I won't be making the same mistake again. 
If some guidelines have changed regarding auto farms, Staff please let me know so I don't get in trouble. 
Also, if some of you want to partner up with me to build something it is greatly welcomed. 

Anyways, it's good to see some old names and new ones. I'll see you online sometime.

RE: I'm back - Nether_Ruler - 04-07-2017

Welcome back to Hometown Jelly! Can't wait to see you online

RE: I'm back - Landline - 04-07-2017

WB jelly! Fire up jellyshop again!

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