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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - CubeCrusher2k`` - 04-30-2018

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: CubeCrusher2k

Reason for your ban: Team X-raying

Who banned you: Hiyoko

Why should you be unbanned: This was the first server I played on when I started playing Minecraft. I made a dumb decision as a new player that I would not make now. I now understand how x-raying hurts the game for all the people who play legitimately. If I am unbanned from this server I know that I will only work to repair the damage I caused before. 

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this is the best server. This server has the best market place which I was detrimental to my first time around. If I am allowed back in this server you can know that I will be beneficial to your outstanding Minecraft community.

I see that you usually ask a few questions for these appeals.

Why is x-raying wrong?

X-raying is wrong because it undermines the entire market in multiplayer Minecraft. It is an unfair advantage that is used to cheat and get ahead of others. Nobody is any better that anybody else. It's wrong to take what others worked hard for.

How does x-raying affect other players?

Other players spent hours working to get what I stole in just a few minutes when I accepted diamonds from my friend. This ruins a large part of the game for everybody on the server.

How does x-raying affect the server's economy?

X-raying causes inflation. It decreases the value of currency. It is like printing off money. Peoples hard work is not worth as much because I thought I could just cheat my way ahead of them. It is not fair.

What have you learned from this ban?

I learned how my actions can hurt others. I had no idea the problems that x-raying can cause in a Minecraft community. It made me think about the fact that others care about their work in this game just as much as I do. I learned that x-raying makes a huge impact on the hard work of other players which is not fair.

RE: Ban Appeal - Hiyoko - 04-30-2018

It is good you understand what you have done wrong and why so.

You will be unbanned on the conditions that your diamonds will be turned over to any staff member for destruction and your balance will be reset to 0.
Do you accept these terms and conditions?

RE: Ban Appeal - CubeCrusher2k`` - 05-01-2018

(04-30-2018, 02:03 PM)Hiyoko Wrote: It is good you understand what you have done wrong and why so.

You will be unbanned on the conditions that your diamonds will be turned over to any staff member for destruction and your balance will be reset to 0.
Do you accept these terms and conditions?

Yes I do. Thank you. I look forward to being a part of this wonderful community. Just let me know how I can do that.

RE: Ban Appeal - Hiyoko - 05-01-2018

You have been unbanned. Welcome back to HomeTown!

RE: Ban Appeal - CubeCrusher2k`` - 05-01-2018

(05-01-2018, 07:55 AM)Hiyoko Wrote: You have been unbanned. Welcome back to HomeTown!

Thank you. How can I meet with someone to give back my diamonds?