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Ban Appeal - Jumenesta - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Jumenesta - Jumenesta - 05-29-2018

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Jumenesta

Reason for your ban: Beacon Theft

Who banned you: LilDevilian

Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because I understand that beacon theft is immature and unfair and that my reason for it was silly. I did not need a beacon and I unjustly took it away from someone who deserved it and put in the time and effort into making it. If I can get back to the spot where I stole it from, I will put the beacon and the iron with it back where it originally was. If I am unable to go back to where it was originally places I will gladly relinquish it and the iron along with it to staff.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because I've been on this server for two days and so far I love it. The community is very friendly and welcoming and it's honestly the best server I know of currently. I made a small home next to some water and I love fishing next to it. If I could come back I promise to be an outstanding member and won't steal anything (beacon or otherwise) again.

RE: Ban Appeal - Jumenesta - LilDevilian - 05-29-2018

Thank you for your honesty, you seem sincere so I'll unban you.
Upon login in, please turn in all the stolen items to a member of staff so that they can be destroyed.

Welcome back to HomeTown.