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Interview with Rainbow_Bark and AppleMcChees on the HomeTown Server - Printable Version

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Interview with Rainbow_Bark and AppleMcChees on the HomeTown Server - Steve Carter - 06-03-2018

Greetings, fellow players.

Not too long ago, I decided to hop on the server once again and interview a few people, and ask them questions regarding what they think about the server. 

I have only asked two players so far, and those two players who agreed to take part in the interview are Rainbow_Bark and AppleMcChees

Both of them have donated to the server. They do seem like loyal supporters. Now, we shall ask these players some questions.

So, first, I began with Rainbow_Bark. Here's what she had to say

SIDE NOTE: Sorry, I couldn't send the screenshots of their answer here, because this website can't doesn't allow too many or large attachment sizes



Me: Alright, let's begin. Question 1...

When did you first join HomeTown and how did you find this server?

Rainbow_Bark: I can't remember, but I do love it.

Me: (Fair enough)

Question 2...

Q.2 How is your experience in HomeTown so far?

Rainbow_Bark: Oh. Well, it's... It's a unique server with beautiful staff members, and (mostly) kind and caring players.

Me: Question 3... What if your favorite part of HomeTown?

Rainbow_Bark: Everything! xD

Oof! Alright and last question... If there was one thing you would want to see changed/removed/added in hometown, what would it be?

Rainbow_Bark: Hmmm... I don't know... Umm... Maybe...

A minute passes, as Rainbow hasn't responded. Finally, I ask...

Me: Maybe wot?

Rainbow_Bark: Maybe just like...ummm... Wait...

10 seconds pass by

Rainbow_Bark: Idk tbh

Me: *Thinks to myself** (Oof)

Alright, fair enough. Thanks for your time.

Rainbow_Bark: You're welcome.


Next, we focus on AppleMcChees. Let's see what they have to say about the server.

Before I can start asking questions, a random guy/gal on the server asked this:

Meko_Kehrah: Where are these answers even going?

Now you know


Me: Question 1... When did you first join HomeTown and how did you find this server?

AppleMcChees: I joined about a year ago when my old server got hacked and died. I found this server on a list

Me: Question 2... How is your experience in HomeTown so far?

AppleMcChees: Experience has been fantastic. Lots of friendly faces, and lots of caring staff.

[Adept] Wuf (Random Guy on the server): And hot faces.

AppleMcChees: That too.

Me: **chuckles and rubs my back head** Question 3... What if your favourite part of HomeTown?

AppleMcChees: My favourite part of the HT is the attitude of the server itself.

Me: Alright, and last question... If there was one thing you would want to see changed/removed/added in hometown, what would it be?

AppleMcChees: I would like to see a sort of staff team that destroys abandoned builds, like noob huts.

Me: Lol, I hope they don't do that, but alright. Thanks for your time. REEEE