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One-sentence-at-a-time story - Printable Version

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One-sentence-at-a-time story - Crackerz - 06-06-2018

Hi friends~

I was thinking about a game that I play with my IRL friends called "One-word-at-a-time story". The premises is that we all take turns adding one word to the previous word and continue doing so until we have created a sentence or story. I decided to bring OWAATS to the HT forums, but because participation will probably be lacking, I have changed it to "One-sentence-at-a-time-story".

- You can only add one sentence at a time. No more, no less.
- You can only add one sentence in a row. If you've already added a sentence, wait for another person to write one before posting again.
- Keep everything PG. This means nothing NSFW (Not Safe For Work), no exceptions.
- Type [End story] to end the current story and [Begin story] to start a new one. Add this when you feel it is appropriate, and please don't abuse it. This can be included in your sentence.

[Begin story]
Once upon a time, there was a blue horse running through a cotton candy forest.

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - Jeff - 06-06-2018

The blue horse stopped to eat some cotton candy leaves from the trees.

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - Penguin - 06-06-2018

It came upon the horse that, perhaps, the candy was sentient and that eating candy leaves was a violation of its basic rights as an organism.

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - TheNamesGames - 06-06-2018

However, due to the lack of posessing creative thinking, the horse was unable to ponder its actions consequences.

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - Cil - 06-06-2018

So then a RED horse came in and challenged the blue horse to a Yu-Gi-Oh duel

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - Greinaut - 06-07-2018

With 24 kills he got a tactical nuke and the game ended

RE: One-sentence-at-a-time story - Cil - 06-07-2018

then Naut was disqualified since you can't get kills in Duel Monsters Yu-Gi-Oh