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Ban appeal- X-ray - Printable Version

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Ban appeal- X-ray - AdiTheKing133 - 11-09-2018

Minecraft username: AdiTheKing12

I admit i used X-ray, i am sorry. I will not use x-Ray again. 
If you find me using x- ray again perm ban me.

Thanks for reading Smile

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - Steasaur - 11-10-2018


RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - AdiTheKing133 - 11-10-2018

Sorry Smile

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):Survival multiplayer

Minecraft name: AdiTheKing12

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: Uber/Steasaur

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because i will not X-ray or use any type of hacks, and if you catch me using hacks perm ban me

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this server is fun, and i want to play on it with friends without hacks

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - UberDeathBunny - 11-12-2018

Please answer the following questions:

Why is X-raying bad?

How does X-raying affect other players?

How does X-raying affect the server’s economy?

If you really need an item what is a better way of getting it than using X-Ray?

What have you learned from this ban?

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - AdiTheKing133 - 11-12-2018

1. X-ray is bad because people are cheating with this

2. X- ray effects other people because they can get everything they want

3. The effect of x- ray in the server is It destroys the point of the server, it is supposed to be a survival server and getting any item you want is like creative.

4. A better way of getting an item is to ask from a friend, or to go search for it

5. I learned from this ban that X-ray is not a good way to find items. I will not use X-ray on this server.

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - AdiTheKing133 - 11-15-2018

Am i correct?

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - UberDeathBunny - 11-16-2018

You have been unbanned, please turn over all diamonds/diamond tools/diamond armor when you log in to a staff member. Welcome back to HomeTown.

RE: Ban appeal- X-ray - AdiTheKing133 - 11-16-2018

Thank you Big Grin
the staff on this server are good