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LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Printable Version

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LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - GhostBuster123 - 03-13-2016

Recently I have noticed a major anger Over the Presidential race In the United states

And it has gone to far. On my part and other people. Most of the arguments have turned into hate speech from both side of the campaign and so on. I am right now asking to the mods and admins of the server and FROST especially. SO add it to the hate speech and language towards other players.

Now I most likely will get a shit tone of hate for this post and this is ok. But instead of it being a civilized conversation between a group of people. it has turned into basically an offence war. Most of the information coming from one side or the other is just personal attacks not actual information. When ever I try it get into those conversations I do my best to make sure I have my facts straight, and that the research is found to be correct with back ground checks on the internet and through old history books.

and I am willing to stop the political banter . I mean they start for the worst reason. One of them took place because of a joke about Villager slavery On HT.

In Conclusion I think is ruins many of the long relation ships that have grown on this server and is tearing us apart.

Please admins , mods , Owners, STAFF, ALL PLAYERS. At least make this information like spamming in chat is it kick able and after three kicks it is a 3 day ban. Please I hope some people will put their opinions aside for once . I am willing to stop if others are. thank you

Again this is not because I a pissed off at anyone . this is because I have lost to many friends which is more important then about Kasich VS Sanders. or Trumps vs Hillary. it has gotten old. and I hope , beg , and request that the only comments that are associated with this are supporting comments not Political Bullshit on the Left or Right

/warp BC
/warp BCcity
/warp sunshine mall

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Danoir_ - 03-13-2016

I agree. If we have to talk about politics, take it in to /msg or keep deabting, not insulting.

Also, I am running for President of The Independent State of Danoir's Bedroom.
Please vote Danoir, #Danoir2016


Discussing politics on the server is fine as long as it's being done in a respectful tone, but if there are any personal attacks or disrespect, please provide some proof of such so we can act on it.

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Jazz5253 - 03-13-2016

First off, in my opinion, politics and political conversations have no place in global chat of any game.

Second, as you were one involved in this back and forth you are speaking of, I believe you are as much at fault at anyone else for keeping it an active topic. What could and should have happened was a "retreat" if you will on your part to be the bigger person and not post something like this on the forums as a way of getting the 'final word" in on the topic.

Third, I asked twice in chat for the conversation to be moved to a private chat which was met with no response or movement of said conversation...you and the others involved kept it going and blatantly disregarded the feelings of the other players in chat.

Finally, everyone has an opinion. I respect that. I just do not appreciate the fact that my game play time was interrupted by real life topics that I intentionally am trying to get away from for a brief moment of my day by logging in to this game.

I have had my say and I wish you or anyone no ill. But please try to be a little more respectful of others around you.


RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Wrexial33 - 03-13-2016

A minecraft is a social meeting place for people who come to have fun and talk to people with similar interests, you can only restrict the topics of conversation so much. There's no reason politics shouldn't be allowed, as long as its respectful. Having it in global means that more than two people can take part in the topic as /msg only lets you talk to one person at a time. If you have a problem with politically talk, a simple solution is to ignore it, either by ignoring the chat or ignoring specific players. As long as the topic is kept respectful, with no PERSONAL attacks, there's no reason it can't be allowed in the global chat.

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - GhostBuster123 - 03-13-2016

Because to tell the truth the politics has gotten nasty it is gone farther into hell then actually being in hell. I think it must be stopped with rules. Even thought it is freedom of speech there are little to no facts being used it is only being used as a face to insult those on the server. if there are rules applied to it the problem will disappear more

Because as much as I love talking about politics . Believe me I love doing it. it has become a burden people just typing which party sucks more dick then the other. And that is not ok. it is about policy hence politics. But it is no longer like that and much be censored
 Because people won't have control over it and you cant thinking of it as spam or cursing at other players is the right thing to do.

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Keero - 03-13-2016

One thing I've found to be amazing is, people usually stop talking if they have no one to talk to. You're saying that we need rules to keep people from talking about politics, but this morning you were all too eager to reply to any and all replies that had to do with politics, even when others requested it be taken to pm, or just dropped all together. Now personally, I don't log into hometown just so I can see people yelling opinionated observations at each other, but this has been the case a large amount of times. Maybe instead of having staff need to tell chat to grow up and drop it, you don't pursue the topic and just keep playing minecraft. The only reason people got to the point of "types which party sucks dick more" was because you kept replying even when chat was obviously irritated. We don't need staff, we just need people to act more mature.

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Wiseman738 - 03-13-2016

I think politics is fine, it's the people debating politics which are typically at fault. I know this from experience, i've been the one at fault several timees before. But those taking it too seriously need to take a step back and remember the point of the game.

Ultimately minecraft is gathering-point of people and a melting pot of opinions and cultures. Politics should NOT be barred from discussion.

I instead believe there are two types of people at fault for this spinning out of control.

Group A are those who take the debate too seriously or are too unskilled at debating so all civility is lost and they resort to personal attacks. These people are usually young, slightly naive or just absorbed in their own ideas and they should NOT be allowed to launch personal attacks or lower the tone of discussion.

Group B are the type of people that are so thin-skinned the very mention of the word politics causes them to run to staff and ask them to put down a discussion because it offends them. No names mentioned but this happened to me recently when all i was doing was comparing quotes with clem and another player of George Bush and Donald trump. These people SHOULD NOT BE APPEASED. They should instead be told how to disable chat as quickly as possible because ANYTHING and EVERYTHING offends these types of people.

I think staff should only end a debate when they can see it getting out of hand, and 99% of the time they get this right. But it can be an extremely horrible experience being silenced and should be a last resort unless the players start throwing personal attacks.

I try and avoid major debates/discussions these days due to the stress it brings out in me when both people from group A and then later on group B appear. It's maddening, so that's why i have my debates on more formal forums these days.

However when i feel that the server/chat are ABSENT of Group A and Group B people then i have a discussion with my friends which always ends with civility and shaking hands.

But for younger people MC can be a great place to start discussions in an informal manner and gauge where their opinion is in terms of popular thought, then when they are older and more experienced they can move to more-professional forums for discussion.

Best regards and love to you all!
Wiseman738 Smile

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - GhostBuster123 - 03-13-2016

well wise As you an tell from the United states election it is hell here. there is chaos over who should lead. and the truth is there is not such thing as discussion at this point is the screaming fighting and hurting. I want to get rid of the idea of politics on the server for once and for all before it ruins more friend ships.

RE: LETS STOP THE POLOTICS - Wiseman738 - 03-13-2016

I don't think it will ruin more friendships though buddy, only those who aren't worth having friends if they place more value on your political affiliations than they do on the value of your character.

Best regards and love!