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stuff you did as a child - Printable Version +- HomeTown Forums (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums) +-- Forum: General (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: Off Topic (https://hometownmc.com:443/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: stuff you did as a child (/showthread.php?tid=417) Pages:
stuff you did as a child - 12wolfie - 03-13-2016 we all know that little kids do some silly things often. what'd you do when you were little? some weird things i did: - i was really scared of balloons popping. if you had a balloon, i warned you not to blow it up and pop it because i was afraid of the loud noise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - i asked really, really weird questions about death. i clearly remember asking my mom strange questions like: "do you have dreams when you're dead?" no. "oh, thank gosh, i wouldn't want to not be able to wake up from a nightmare.." - walked across a tiled floor and tried not to step on the lines. all. the. time. - i once got really mad at this boy because he stole my lunchbox and ate the candy my mom packed me. - until, like, second or third grade, i remember i used to always take one of my stuffed animals and bring them to school with me. before that, i grabbed one for the car ride there, then left it for me to hold on the way back home, and then one day i forgot to leave it in the car or something. i'd hang my backpack in the cubby and leave it unzipped just a little bit so that the stuffie's head stuck out and i could see it while i was in class. - in maybe 2nd to 4th or 5th grade, i was somewhat germophobic. i used hand sanitizer frequently, didn't like anything icky, stuff like that - i once asked my mom if my friend is a boy or a girl [okay what even the fuck was wrong with me] - wore crocs. went out without socks just one time; got blisters. ouch. - knocked down the christmas tree, breaking delicate ornaments... - didn't like soda one bit. or pizza...except for the crust... - didn't know what puberty was or how babies were made until 4th grade. oh god, the humiliation. - played roblox - played club penguin - played moshi monsters - played super mario bros - played sonic the hedgehog, like, the first game ever created by sega - watched some of the old cartoons like the flintstones, i think... - watched newer shows like dora the explorer [ and diego ], bear in the big blue house [ i think it was called? ], lazytown, wow wow wubzy [ AND ALWAYS PLAYED THE COMPUTER GAME TOO V.V ] those kinda shows you get the vibe already - didn't fucking play pokemon until this year x.x - was terrified of spiders [ i still am, though ] um...i'm going on and on now. o-o yeah. um. post your things. um, have a nice day too i guess **EDIT** - the floor is lava - was absolutely terrified of the characters from sesame street after i apparently had a nightmare that they tickled me to death. o-o - WEBKINZ WAS THE SHIT - built forts using couch cushions, chairs, blankets, etc. - used to like bugs, and i'd play with ants, worms, slugs, snails, etc. - damn i skinny dipped, too until like 8 - WATCHED SPONGEBOB STILL DO THO [ i had to mention these cause y'all reminded me of em just now after i read your posts ;p ] RE: stuff you did as a child - HorseGirl7311 - 03-13-2016 I decided to watch TV when i was waiting for my baby sitter to scare her when I was 5. Apparently I zoned out and I got in trouble. It was a really weird show, she got fired later. Oops I hated Dora, the TV show and the dolls gave me the creeps, I had a fit every time a Dora doll was at a shop, I screamed my head off! I played with Barbies (I think that's how u spell it) a lot. I forced on family member to play with me every day for hours. Now that I look back I feel reaaaal bad. Don't worry my brother was born and we played a lot of Barbies together, we look back and laugh now. I started riding horses when I was 8 cause my best friend was. Horse back riding was expensive and I wasn't able to go every week, a lesson once a year. Now I go once a week at a cute little place were I jump and I gallop, believe me I'm not that good, I only fell off 5 times. Cats were a huge part of my life. I had 3 cats named Rusty, Rocky, and Tyler. Rusty died of old age when I was 1 so I don't remember him that much. Rocky ran away, don't know if he got eaten or not. And Tyler died a couple months ago, I'm still getting over him, he was the best cat, so willing when I put the leash on him and we go in the backyard and we would explore for hours. Now I got a kitten named Mia and guess what? She likes to swim, I fill up the bathtub and she jumps right in. She's got something wrong with her. RE: stuff you did as a child - Rowebot - 03-13-2016 Some of us have to think way back. We did not get TV until I was about 8 -- Black & White -- color was too expensive as it was brand new :-). I remember watching Armstrong step down onto the moon -- live on TV when I was 12. Now my dad had a subscription for classical music LP's for years and my mom found me with a hammer and nail, well, griefing them -- like 2/3rds of them. I was very young and don't remember. Lived in Brazil from age 5 to 9 so we had tropical animals and insects to play with. Remember the maid yanking me into the house all upset, I had been poking a paralyzed tarantula out of a African wasp's grasp as it tried to climb our gate post to get height to fly off, several times. The wasp sting was dangerous for small kids. Watched out the front window as the wasp finally got high enough to fly off (about 3' and dropped 2' before getting level). Termite mounds were lots of fun. Poking grass down the holes and bringing up the soldiers. Throwing the big grasshoppers into spider webs and watching the spider wrap it (2" diameter spiders :-) ). Kite flying was big in Brazil. I made a folded newspaper sheet kite, attached a brand new spool of sewing thread to it and flew it until the thread ran out and it flew away. Mom was not happy that her new thread was missing. I am still amazed to this day that I flew out around 300 yards/meters of sewing thread with a newspaper kite (no sticks, just paper with a tail of paper) without losing it or breaking the thread. Mostly played with my 2 brothers and my sister growing up. Little TV, no video games, no cell phones, etc. But we would leave in the morning and show up for meals and bedtime. Like I was the eldest at around 7 or 8 when we started doing this -- no way can parents do this today. We always had a pet animal or 3 underfoot. My brothers, sister and I were always hunting for snakes, newts, lizards and the like. I am a berry and wild fruit fiend. I knew where every berry bush, plum tree, cherry tree, apple tree, nut tree was for miles around within the year of moving to a new place. Remember finding an abandoned plum orchard in Georgia and gorging on perfectly ripe plums until I was sick. Visiting a memorable black berry bramble every day for weeks each year for several years in Ontario and searching for ripe berries hidden from sight in the hollows under the canes. Oh and strawberries, I could spend all day in the summer combing the fields for wild strawberries -- commercial strawberries are just *not* the same. My mom could bake bread and baked treats but was pretty much a dangerous cook for anything else -- burn water (melted pots and kettles), break unbreakable Corningware, dyslexic with white powders (mixed up sugar and salt countless times). So all us kids learned to cook early and surprising well. But I am a bit dyslexic with white powders too and made a batch of muffins that were perfect baseballs and could be hit multiple times before they broke. I was 10 and just learning but salt and sugar sure look the same. 4 and 5 year old Kindergarten in Wales at the start of the 60's was interesting. I remember that all 26 boys of 46 kids were all named David (patron saint of Wales) and all the boys were called by their second name or last name. And we were taught reading and writing -- I became a bookworm by 6. I remember my Gram serving me black tea and not liking it at all (still don't). But a year later at 6, I started drinking coffee in Brazil and liked it --- well, I liked the sugar too much causing me to quit at 15 (5 spoons per cup) -- and restart/quit many times -- drinking it again with 2 'cubes' of sugar -- I have to be very strict and not let myself use a spoon and free flowing sugar. We went through some rough financial times and my mom always served lima beans (still hate them). Luckily, my sister's cat loved them and would hunch under the table eating all our lima beans. But mom did have some hits over the years looking at 4 hungry kids to feed -- I still love maraschino cherries and creme cheese sandwiches, or walnuts and creme cheese (mom was down to feeding us her baking supplies). My wife just looks funny at me when I take condensed mushroom soup undiluted and make grilled soup sandwiches, hmmm. I can still happily gnaw on a chunk of unsweetened or semi-sweet bakers chocolate -- k, I raided for those as a kid. My best memories seem to revolve around food. My dad loved to primitive camp and eat off the land. Camping in Florida for a week catching and eating escargo, crab, frog legs, flounder, grouper, sea perch, and ells was a really memorable trip -- yes we kids, at 11 down to 7, ate that stuff and loved it -- didn't know we were not supposed to like it. Ok, not that keen on ells actually but I still love frogs legs. Hiking and finding a whole field of fiddle heads -- we collected a garbage bag full and froze them, hmmm. Another time we found a 3' by 4' bed of perfectly ripe puffball mushrooms where most were hexagonal, garbage bag again ![]() Car trips are another memory, "yellow bug, punch, no punch back...". Returning from the beach in Santos to Sao Paulo through very thick fog up the *old* road with dozens of switch backs instead of the *new* highway (my dad likes exploring) with my mom hanging out the window helping see a few feet past the hood. Cross Canada 3 times and down the Eastern side of North America at least 3 times, 4 kids on a mattress in the back of a station wagon -- I think we played every traveling game possible -- no seatbelts in the cars in those days. Btw, I hate spiders and scorpions though not terrified. Still empty my shoes or boots when camping -- old habits from the tropics never die, even in Canada's wilderness. Without TV, you invent some really fun games like rubber band chess where you try to shoot specific pieces off the board from 10 feet away :-). My dad's a certified pyro (chemist, model rockets, certified fireworks marshal), my mom is an accidental pyro (pots), and all us kids are certified pyro's :-). Magnifying glasses were confiscated many times, then I learned my glasses worked just as well. My brother at 4 years old set fire to the field next to our house in Brazil and it took the whole neighborhood 1/2 a day to put it out. Mom was a smoker so matches and lighters were always being confiscated from us 4. I still have a chunk of 'candle' wood in my childhood memory box -- a piece of pine so soaked in resin it lights very easily -- we were only allowed 1 banker's box each when we moved from Georgia -- special firewood was important to me :-). It sits with a hunk of sassafras root from Georgia -- I love root beer. RE: stuff you did as a child - TheNamesGames - 03-13-2016 My childhood started from a small town in finland. Life was simple, and i had a weird desire to always, freaking always to sniff how did animals smell. (Not the dirty places, the fur ofc) i kept myself up by annoying my older sister, and trying to figure out how to ride a bike without the 2 extra wheels. Life was very simple, till we moved out to our new home, where i am right now, in my bed, typing this message. As a kid, i somehow didint like kids shows, they were sometimes very creepy... I also could not keep my mouth shut. I talked, like all the freaking time. The only way to shut my mouth was to invite some of my friends over or throw a couple legos on front of me. legos were actually almost the only toys i played as a kid. Execpt for soft toys and animal figures. I had a weird ability to always hit my head to something, (not badly, bruh, i dont have mental sickness). Well, the only weird thing i did, is that i never grew up so fast as the other kids. I played with toys longer, i found the world of the internet later than the other kids, and i didnt get the puberty as fast as the others. My childhood is actually still going... (Yes im young...) RE: stuff you did as a child - Grimm_Wolfe - 03-13-2016 (03-13-2016, 05:09 AM)12wolfie Wrote: what'd you do when you were little?
RE: stuff you did as a child - TheOnlyKat - 03-13-2016 When I was little I used to: •Sit in cardboard boxes and turn them into a mini bedroom or something like that •Play games on the computer like Moshi Monsters and Club Penguin •Write stories and show them to my mom like I was an author •Make little camps on my own and live in them •Pretend the floor was lava and try not to touch it •Paint and colour a lot (I still do today) •Keep all my achievements on my bedroom walls •Play on my Ds lite •Make things out of plasticine That's what most of my child hood was :3 RE: stuff you did as a child - Danoir_ - 03-13-2016 When I was small, I sat in boxes and made stuff with mud. I also thought that Year 7 students were tall a.f. Now they are small a.f. Being a child is fun, you get free food and presents and stuff RE: stuff you did as a child - Sarah - 03-13-2016 I'm still like 7, but here's what I did -- This is in no specific order but I was a hella weird kid -- I would use dish rags and make myself little places to sit in the cupboards and shelves I'd play webkinz, animal jam, and club penguin ALOT I'd dump my barbies out all over the floor and play for hours and never clean them back up I would make secret forts with my brother behind our house in this lush naturey area I would climb trees , and act like there was lava below me I'd watch Madeline a lot, and I mean aLot When I was 9-10 I went through this phase that I thought people were poisoning my food so I wouldn't eat anything unless I watched them make it (don't let Sarah watch tlc) From age 5-12 justice was my shit- don't f w me if you weren't about that cheetah print sequin tutu RE: stuff you did as a child - Maddie_Amity - 03-14-2016 my memory is shit but oh well -Used to pretend I was a spy, like, a lot. -Slept with rags for years (almost like wash rags, I couldn't sleep without them) -I would scream about anything and everything, I stIlL dO -Would sneak into the kitchen, and crawl back to my room with snacks -Put a blanket out in the front yard, and play in the summer -My brother and I would literally skinny dip until we were 8 or 9 -I would cry if no one watched me in the pool, because my brother told me there were "invisible sharks" in there -I remember having a garden in my backyard, and growing banana peppers and eggplant out there with my family -Being deathly afraid of Halloween -My brother and I fighting over what movie we'd watch in the car -Collecting snails when it rained -Making a playground for ants -My brother shooting me with BB gun RE: stuff you did as a child - Oshakai - 03-15-2016 My child hood included: -Being obsessed with power rangers -Playing pokemon -Playing outside -Buidling tree forts -Making weapons -Playing zelda -camping -reading Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk |