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Imameatheads ban appeal - Printable Version

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Imameatheads ban appeal - IMAMEATHEAD - 03-28-2016

Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Imameathead

Reason for your ban: Theft of free stone chest at /warp stone

Who banned you: Kat an Lex

Why should you be unbanned: I'm really at the lost of words here... I don't want to be a dick either.. They said for free...an I did fly from the back side of the an didn't read all the signs.. Star contacted me an I gave back two double chest in stone... But whether I was going to use the stone in my shop or finish building my space cargo ships above my shop ...The logs really cant prove what  my intent was for the stone.. Nor anyone else on the server ... I do feel this is a witch hunt... " If "Imameathead shows up on the logs when i buy out a shop of an item or this something else like this stone" people go crazy... But when someone comes into my shop an buys me out of,  say,  sulphur.. I don't call a mod over an find out who bought me out.. Or ban them from my store... Business is business that's how an economy works.. But it happens to me more than you think.. 
        When i give stuff away for free "Like beacons an saddles or diamonds" I have no interest on what they do with it... I know most end up being sold in there stores.. Some in their inventory to build with or use... Free is free..I give it unconditionally with their good will intend in mind.. I learned my lesson from the last time I was banned... That was just wrong..An I know it.. An I don't want this to be my last casting call.. I have been diligent in keeping my nose clean an staying to myself...Unless someone asks for  my help... Now, I have had problems in past with some of the players involved.. So this could be the end of me, an my son who plays on the server.. an I realize that.. So don't get me wrong.. My intent was not to steal  free stone... 

[b]Why do you want to come back: [/b] Why do I want to come back.. I  play all the time .. Like 100 plus hours..I feel I'm an asset to the server.. I would like to over come this increasing distrust an move up the ladder some day.. I like this server,.. Its the only one I play on... Its fun. "the chat cracks me up".. I do feel the sense of community on Hometown.. An I would like to stay..
      So  I take one knee with head down an hat in hand, arms stretch out once more before the lords an lordesses of Hometown.. To allow me access to the server once more.. "Not being a smart ass, just a visual "
Sincerely Imameathead

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - Lex - 03-28-2016

We didn't ban you for the incident at warp stone. Earlier today, Kat was looking at juliets store and noticed that you had been taking items from the chests. Kat has all the screenshots, but if i remember correctly, you stole almost 60 anvils, over a thousand arrows, half a stack of slime balls, and more. This was all about 60 hours before your ban. Remember any of this?

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - IMAMEATHEAD - 03-28-2016

Oh.. I saw the store.. Man that thing was emptied an greifed... But did you see were the things were put back..  I guess not check the logs on the chest on the right upper of the warp.. By the way why is her store so screwed up..

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - TheOnlyKat - 03-28-2016

Ah I see, I Just logged on and found where you put it back. Sorry for the inconvenience.


At the bottom it shows where you added the items back.

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - DK_ - 03-28-2016

Why did you decide to steal from it in the first place? And there's still two stacks of arrows missing.

Also, when you were taking stone from /warp stone, there was a sign stating that you were banned from the warp.

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - IMAMEATHEAD - 03-28-2016

I have talked to Thor an that was cleared up... I am unbanned from warp stone.. I also explained that in my ban appeal... I didn't technically steal.. well..I took then thought about it an but it back... I had arrows in my inventory already an didn't
count what i put back... I should have done what i did when Thor gave up his shop to Puff an all the chest were unlocked an call staff an blocked up the warp.. But the shop looked abandoned an grieved like so many other shops an buildings on the server... I'm not a saint...Never said I was... Just want a place to hang my hat on my free time..

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - Saiyaka - 03-29-2016

What about when you stole iron from Arrei? Was that "not stealing" as well? After getting banned for that, you later decided to set a home inside of the AFK collection room of Jelly's iron farm and steal iron from AFK players. Did you think we wouldn't find out?

Honestly, I think you're a kleptomaniac who doesn't want to own up to all the thieving that he's been doing. There's no "witch hunt", it's more so that your name keeps popping up whenever we find something missing.

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - IMAMEATHEAD - 03-29-2016

The Arrei iron was really crappy.. I still feel bad when she is online.. Jellys thing was that set home in the room..I think Big was standing there didn't know he was AFKing..So i took the iron, was made a wear of the mistake gave it back and moved my home to the of the platform above . But that was taken care of.. So I thought... I think I ended up helping Jelly with his Mycelium farm after that..... My name does keep coming up..Over a period of the year.. Hey guys I play a lot on this server, my name is going to come up for one thing or another... If a older player hasn't had a beef with me for one thing or another... I'm not playing very much.... But you never hear the good either.. I really don't report my problems of grief an theft or unjustly buying from my store when a chest is clearly mismarked.. I just move on an replace it.... This server has all types of people playing... Old, young, mature an immature, whinners an forgivers.. But the one thing we have in common an binds us together, at lease for me, is Hometown.. An I would still like the chance to play on the server.. So if you can see fit, please let me stay... Or give me a ban for limited time.. Its up to you... I will tpaccept any decision you make..

Thanks for reading

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - DK_ - 03-29-2016

(01-26-2016, 09:21 AM)Arrei Wrote: I'm going to give you one last chance. Keep your nose out of trouble, because if you make another screwup, it'll be your last. You're unbanned.

You were given a chance about 2 months ago, on the grounds that you kept out of trouble and would stick to the rules. Yet here we are, 2 months later, and you're still going through chests and taking stuff that ain't yours. 
You claimed in your last appeal that you had a wake up call, yet your behaviour has hardly changed. Whatever good deeds you've done will not change the fact that you shouldn't have been in those chests to begin with, let alone take anything. But you consciously went out of your way to once again grab stuff that wasn't yours.

Frankly, we can't keep doing this. This was your last chance.

Appeal denied.

RE: Imameatheads ban appeal - IMAMEATHEAD - 03-29-2016

Well that sucks... If that's all I can do.. Its been nice playing on the Hometown server..I almost accomplished what i set out to do, an that was to be topbal player.. But second will do... Sorry we have to end like this... But rules are rules an they should not be broken..I guess i have to go back to my real life... Race season is starting, an i should be getting ready for that.. http://www.formulasidecars.com/

Thanks Vil... for all you help...its been fun...

Shit there's so many others i can remember them all..
Boy an I really liked that house at warp France..