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DeesAuxCord ban appeal (X-Ray) - Printable Version

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DeesAuxCord ban appeal (X-Ray) - DeesAuxCord - 03-20-2022

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP Server

Minecraft name: DeesAuxCord

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-ray banned by TheDutyPaid
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): To simplify it, I understand my mistake and understand that I am being punished. But this server is a server i finally felt safe. I understand i have made a mistake, and i promise to better myself and make sure I never make the mistake I did again. I will delete the pack and will be fine with admins resetting my progress. 

Why do you want to come back: As I said before. I love this server. it was a safe space for me. and I love the player base, the admin team, the builds. everything. I understand I have made a mistake and will better myself and make sure it doesn't happen again.  I am fine with admins resetting my progress. I am fine with them taking away all of my things. But I would be fine with anything they do as long as I can come back. thank you, and have a good day/night/morning/eve <3

RE: DeesAuxCord ban appeal (X-Ray) - TheDutyPaid - 03-21-2022

Let us review your time on the server, about 1 and a half hours of it.

The first thing you asked was if the server had any anti-cheat plugins, to which you were told that we trust our players to follow the server rules. We also had a chat about claims and that not all builds need to be claimed, as we are a no grief server.

It was to my surprise to find you had stolen items from a players shop that was unclaimed. When I asked you to return the items you took, you divided what you had taken and gave me half, when I asked if that was all you said yes, which was a lie. You then said you did not know how much you took as you got the other items elsewhere. Which is also a lie as there were no logs of this and I gave you a warning.

Later on when you first found diamonds, I checked on you and it was very clear you were x-raying, that you have admitted to.

As you have played a very minimum amount on the Hometown server and in that time, broken a number of rules and our trust in you.
Other staff members and I have decided that you are not welcome to rejoin the server.

We wish you all the best for the future and in finding another server.