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ban appeal and apologize - Printable Version

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ban appeal and apologize - .Black_scythe850 - 03-17-2025

Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): hometownmc

Minecraft username: esptree

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!):  building phallic shape at someones warp/event.

Hey, it's me again. I just joined a random event a little while ago and built a small upside-down T-shaped pillar because I thought it was funny. I’m sorry for that and promise to stay on topic from now on. Please forgive me for my silliness!

RE: ban appeal and apologice - esptree - 03-17-2025

Hi! Thanks for your appeal. Reminder to not do on-topic grief either Smile
You have been unbanned, welcome back