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i need some help
i am looking for someone who knows how to make a villager breeder, i don't know how to do it, but i have a place set for it.

if you know how to make a breeder for villagers, please leave me a post on this thread, THANKS IN ADVANCE Big Grin
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

Well I have made a complicated one, that is cool, several times. But one mistake and you have to start over. Built one in the new HT world but then I let the bred villagers build up in the same chunk and the oldest de-spawned -- the 8 in the breeder Sad .

Tried a real simple one but the little villagers do not drop through the hole reliably. Which is ok for me right now, I just open the hole and manually shove the excess down the chute. I plan to rebuild the complicated one when I setup a permanent villager breeding setup. The simple one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR9NPbGGqfA

The complicated one (in German but understandable): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peT4T5TR_K4

The complicated one was originally done by someone else and he put up a world that you can download -- I found the German explanation which was good enough for me.

The original is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxK-Eb5OAnw

Note that I combined the floating villager 9 blocks above the other 2 in the simple one at my base at /warp rabbits -- turn to the cobble tower, walk to it but turn right as you reach it, go around to the ladders down. The breeder is to the left in the glassed over "basement". The empty glassed in area beside it had the complicated breeder setup that I tore down.

My life is busy right now, so I can't come on very often. But if you can wait a week or two, I can rebuild the one at /warp rabbits in its permanent location that you can look at. Or if you have VIP then I can build the each step in sequence in the creative world for anyone to see.

The complicated one is by far the best I have found. The food does not go down to the little villagers. The villagers are jammed face to face so as soon as 2 show hearts, they breed, rather than wander around until they meet by chance. Breeds villagers fast. But you can control how many by how much food you feed them.

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