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confusing ban
hello this is JoesMine231, i dont know why i have been banned from hometown survival server. it says i was banned by kat for rule 1/2 but i searched the rules. how can you have half of a rule, im very confused. but honestly, i haven't played hometown in a few months so i am not sure why i have been banned. can someone please give me an explanation. i wasn't banned until after i left the game. im not even sure when i cant find anything telling me about the ban. there does not appear to be a ban list. please get around to me i am so confused and would realy wish to be helped or at least given an explanation. i also have never even heard of this "kat" mod or why they banned me. my best guess is that it was an accident.

by the way sorry for the bad spelling. and if you are wondering i have never been banned from any server. i have only been warned for some minor spam in the past on other servers.
(12-31-2016, 11:12 AM)JoesMine231 Wrote: hello this is JoesMine231, i dont know why i have been banned from hometown survival server. it says i was banned by kat for rule 1/2 but i searched the rules. how can you have half of a rule, im very confused. but honestly, i haven't played hometown in a few months so i am not sure why i have been banned. can someone please give me an explanation. i wasn't banned until after i left the game. im not even sure when i cant find anything telling me about the ban. there does not appear to be a ban list. please get around to me i am so confused and would realy wish to be helped or at least given an explanation. i also have never even heard of this "kat" mod or why they banned me. my best guess is that it was an accident.

by the way sorry for the bad spelling. and if you are wondering i have never been banned from any server. i have only been warned for some minor spam in the past on other servers.

To start, read this: https://www.hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3

What Kat likely meant via her ban message was that you were banned for offenses related to rules #1 & #2, which are disrespect and spam/caps/annoyance.  Those rules are covered in this rulebook ( https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=13 ) in section 2 sub-sections A, B, D, and G.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

it didn't save my old reply

im making yet another one

thank you for explaining the rules to me i now have what i believe to be a complete and full understanding of which rules are which. first of all i am still confused on this formatting thing i am doing my best on making it in order and understandable also i will be explaining why my ban was unjustified as well as why it was justified. first about rule 2 sub a. i totally agree with what i did there i was rude and i shouldn't have been this one and sincerely apologize for that. rule 2 sub b. i may have been rude but this one is unjustified. i do not believe i swore at anybody including the staff. rule 2 sub d this one is very vague i do not believe this one should be a rule, it is to controversial and depends on who is viewing it. rule 2 sub g i did not type in all caps and do not believe i spammed, i think i wrote a different message every time or almost every time. although note this one i don't have a crystal clear memory. i don't believe i did this one but i am not completely sure, i'm just mostly sure. and last rule 1 sub b, when i did commit this one i did not mean it to turn out this way. i was also not immediately banned in fact was banned much later after the fact. i was not even online when they banned me. i hadn't been for weeks and i believe i said i was sorry for this action i had committed. i am an infrequent player of hometown but i do not mean to causes problems. now down to what happened. i had built a skyscraper next to a small corral type area. basically a small fenced in area with horses. i did not believe i was causing harm and did not think to much about it. so i started to build a skyscraper in the vicinity of it. when i came back on 1 or 2 months ago i realized it was gone and that they had removed it. so i started asking questions until a staff member came to me, i asked them why it was removed. they accused me of building to close witch was a true accusation. i said then where is it now. it was explained to me that normally they would have moved it to a specified place where i wanted it and the deal would be over with. but just because i wasn't online it was completely removed from the game. i was told it was not put in a temporally area to move later when i came back online. that's when i became angry and that was my fault, i was rude, but once again i did not swear. i am sorry for my rudeness, i suggest that you make a temporarily area where you can move peoples builds when they have accidentally made a mistake but didn't realize it. i believe i should be unbanned because some of what i was accused of was not entirely true, and the biggest mistake, building next to the other build, i did not intend to make. i should also be unbanned because what i did do and realize i should not have done was a minor offence and not something that i believe to be perma-banable. in your own rules it states,

• Lv.2 : bans and permanent bans (perma-ban). Bans are given to players who have engaged in a serious breach of the server’s rules or when players use alternate accounts to evade previous bans. A ban will remain in effect until the offender submits a correctly formatted ban appeal on the server forums and the server’s staff accepts this appeal. A permanent ban is given to repeat offenders who broke the server’s rules on multiple occasions, or given to people whose actions were deemed extremely damaging to the server as a whole. After 2 – 3 repeated and appealed bans, staff members will institute a permanent ban on an account’s name. This ban is usually* unappealable even if the offender submits an appeal. In the event of a player advertising another server’s IP, or engage in an illegal behavior within the server, staff members will automatically institute a permanent ban on an account. (* Means that–in some cases–permanent bans have been appealed, but are very difficult to even be considered for fairness' sake)

i do not believe i was purposely causing a serious breach in or of the servers rules. and i did not do any of those other things that can lead to a perma-ban. and what do you mean 2-3 appealed bans, multiple people wrote about why i should get banned? i try to be the diplomatic type in most cases love a good debate much more than greifing or pvping, or general harm in other peoples direction. i like cooperating and that's why i joined this specific server. i guess you could say i was "making the offense on multiple occasions" but those were all minor offenses and were all done at the same time, because i was frustrated and didn't have time to calm down over the incident. i am sorry for all the rude things that i said, i will not do it again and would very much like to come back again to hometown. another reason you should unban me is that if i do become unbanned i will recommend this server to many other people and they could become potential buyers, and almost definitely voters. you will also be losing my own votes. please unban me i hope you understand my sincerity and will make a good decision for the whole community.
i mean a temp ban makes sense but i'm not sure this constatutes a permanent ban please give me your thoughts

oh sorry i forgot why i want to come back, well because i want to have fun with my freinds on this server every once in a while, and i enjoy debates

as i have never been banned from a server i find this ban appeal stuff very interesting.
I'll happily unban you. Make sure to do /rules when you return. This appeal is well written and I couldn't say anything else.

- KatNip

it registered no problems

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