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Chat settings

I'm pretty new to the forum and even the server; so pardon if this has been touched upon in the past. 
It would be really nice to have some plugins with the option to for instance toggle global off & on, use local etc. I know that you have party chat and all but it's sometimes really hard to keep up with the party chat when the global chat is so active. I'm aware that it's some what customization to chat settings in OptiFine but I still find it very cluttered and hard to keep up with the party chat and global going on at the same time. 

When I played in 1.8 it used to be a bukkit plugin (?) on the server I played on during 1.8 that had the option to global, local chat & town and the feature of toggling between which chat channels you would wanna be in.

Hope it can be considered. 

Add on; hope it's not taken the wrong way, it's really nice with an active chat and the community is super nice, and I like having a chat in global with people now and then.   Smile
I honestly really would like this as well, but I don't think it's possible with the current chat system we have Sad
(09-12-2020, 03:14 AM)Cil Wrote: I honestly really would like this as well, but I don't think it's possible with the current chat system we have Sad

Ah, yeah, that might be. It was worth the try however  Tongue
(09-12-2020, 04:58 AM)TheDutyPaid Wrote: You can clean up chat a little with /toggledeathmsg off

Good shout!

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