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Old Server Question

I used to play on hometown with a few friends a couple years ago. Since then, it seems the server has been reset. I know the server had reset once before when I was playing on HT, and the world file was still saved and people could play on it as an adventure map. Is this the case for this past world file that was reset? Is there any chance someone could run the server for a bit? I was just hit with a wave of nostalgia the other day and I really wanted to see some of my old builds, as they were probably some of the best I've ever done. No worries if this can't be done, I just wanted to see if it was possible. Please let me know Big Grin

Thank you!
The old map (the second HT map) is up, albeit on a separate IP:

The map is in adventure mode, although you should still have access to all of your homes and warps. The server reset in late September of 2019, so anything between Summer of 2016 and then should be there.

Hope this helped!
hey any shot this is still available? i tried the ip and it doesnt work Sad
It's not up anymore, the map got corrupted, sorry.

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