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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Diego5137 (Used to be DiegoG5137 last time I played.)

Reason for your ban: Arguing with staff / not cooperating with staff.

Who banned you: Multiple Staff (I remember IllogicalSong was there.)

Why should you be unbanned: I've had a full year to think about what I did, and I've come to accept the fact that I was in the wrong. I broke the rules without knowing and I should have just complied with staff and gotten on with it. I apologize for what I did, and I ask for forgiveness. 

Why do you want to come back: I haven't found another server like Hometown and its community, and one of my friends recently got Minecraft and we wanted to play on an SMP. I remembered that this server existed and found the Discord link on the forums. I joined it and asked if they could warp to my old town's warp, which of course was still there.  
IllogicalSong has since retired from the staff team, so I will be taking over your appeal as one of the multiple staff who was present at the time.

Considering it has been almost 1 year since your ban, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and consider this time served. Here's to hoping you have changed.

You've been unbanned.

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