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I would like to be Unbanned :)
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Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTownMC

Minecraft name: DEC0DEdotXYZ

Reason for your ban: Disrespect

Who banned you: melaniebeedot 
Why should you be unbanned: because i want to and im sorry for name calling Toad and saying stfu to Cuterei and calling melaniebeedot the b word and another thing i have a swearing problem and also toad was being annoying to me i was pvping with him and i told no only axe and no armor but then he kept killing me with his netherite stuff so many times nd it made me angry and its just that feeling when i cant control myself so ya and i apologize to CuteRei for telling her stfu and for everything Smile

Why do you want to come back: because honestly this was the first SMP server that i had fun on and made a couple friends from nd i dont wanna leave it because it was the only thing who would kick my boredom and i would play on it Smile
Telling the story of what got you banned does not convince me "why you should be unbanned". I know the story. I was there.

But while we're telling the story, you left out the part where you were warned not to name call, then you were muted for name calling again anyways, then you were muted again for name calling a staff member, then you were banned for name calling a staff member again, then you proceeded to hop in my DMs and pop off further:

[Image: TRx9PEw.png]

We don't allow name calling. We don't allow players to tell other players to ''stfu''. If a player is bothering you, don't play with them. Don't talk to them. You can /ignore them if you'd like. But name calling and being disrespectful is not tolerated here. You had a chance to get unbanned, right until you popped off on me in discord DMs. 

[Image: 5LaoeQG.jpg]

You can find another server to play on, you're not welcome here any longer.

Have a nice day, and good luck with that swearing problem.

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