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Shroom Pharmacy
Buy cheap potions in /warp Pharmacy! 

Only $2 in-game money to buy potions! Additionally, I sell bread and honey also. Splash potions, or lingering potions? Sorry. Make yourself (its easy though).

Potions with negative effects (except Weakness) and Turtle Master not sold.

I plan to sell Rabbit Hides in the future as a byproduct of my rabbit farm (for Leaping potions).

List of items sold in my shop:

- Invisibility (8:00)
- Swiftness (8:00)
- Instant Health II
- Weakness (1:30)
- Night Vision (8:00)
- Water Breathing (8:00)
- Slow Falling (4:00)
- Leaping (8:00)
- Swiftness II (1:30)
- Fire Resistance (8:00)
- Strength (8:00)
- Strength II (1:30)
- Leaping II (1:30)

Other items for sale:

- Honey Bottle
- Bread

Upcoming items for sale:

- Rabbit Hide
Cheap, powerful, long-lasting potions at /warp Pharmacy! You wouldn't get this from any other guy!

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