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How to Vote
A Simple Guide to Voting

Go to www.hometownmc.com/vote to get to the thread where the voting sites are listed.

You can also get to them by clicking the Home button in the upper right corner of the forums:

[Image: fuJ6ggm.jpg]

Then clicking the Vote button on the right hand side of our main page:

[Image: cwQlpU3.jpg]

Which will take you to the page with the vote sites listed, which looks like this:

[Image: 4XzHmyT.jpg]

You can then click on each of the 6 numbered blue links to visit each of the 6 voting sites that we use.

The 1st voting site looks like this:

[Image: RdglVC8.jpg]

Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the blank box, and then click the blue Vote button below.

The 2nd voting site looks like this:

[Image: t6xdv0i.jpg]

Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box under Minecraft Username where it says "optional", then click the blue Vote! button below.

The 3rd voting site looks like this:

[Image: urWl2kp.jpg]

Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Minecraft Username", no need to check the box for Post a Review if you don't want to, then click the blue Vote! button below.

The 4th voting site looks like this:

[Image: KZNjzvD.jpg]

Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Minecraft playername", then click the green Click to Vote button below.

The 5th voting site looks like this:

[Image: rKbeY2l.jpg]

Just type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "Type your nickname" and make sure the box is checked next to "I agree to MinecraftPocket-Servers.com's Privacy Policy." and that there's a green checkmarked circle with "Success!" for Cloudflare, then click the blue Vote button below.

The 6th voting site looks like this:

[Image: QrCcunQ.jpg]

Just checkmark the box next to "I am human" and then type your Minecraft username (with a . in front if you are a bedrock user) into the box that says "minecraft username" then click the green "vote for this server" button below.

And that's about it! If you've done everything correctly, you should have 6 gold nugget "slot tokens", $150, and 384 claimblocks waiting for you on the server! (Pro Tip: make sure you have an empty inventory space beforehand, or you won't get those gold nugget slot tokens!)

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