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Age trolling
Happy New Year!
As some of you may noticed today is New Years aka Janurary 1st, there is akwardly a lot of people's birthday today 21 to be exact. It is not very common for people to have their birthday on December, Janurary and Feburary according to a random, akwardly suspicious and unsecure site. Whats even wierder is that 17 of them were aged 55 which is a little bit more suspicious. What was even more suspicous is that one of them were aged 100 which (I certainly do not wanna be age discriminating) is pretty old to play Minecraft. OK so why just why do people just change their age for fun unless you are a 9 year old that wants to be taken as an adult. Just don't add an age.
Now you are done reading, look behind you. You never know what can be behind you.
tbh they probably just put in the first date that it displayed or that they could think of: 1.1.xxxx. Some might have thought they funny but most of them probably did not cared about it at all and just put what ever number there. Personaly, would not pay that much attention to it as long as it only the birthday feature and not something more serious.

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