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Mojang SHuttin Everyone Down?
(05-01-2016, 10:32 PM)The_Epic_Legend Wrote: Id rather play Roblox than Runescape

I like "Phantom Forces". That is the only game I play on Roblox :p
I searched on Youtube for Hometown MC server (something I like doing) and saw the blacklist thing. I think you're able to see if the server is blaaclisted in the snapshot. If it get blacklisted, what happens to the pid ranks?
[Image: UVOARue.png]
Its not going to get blacklisted, all though the server is growing we're still labeled as a small server. They're going after big big servers with like over 5000 people on at a time, mostly pvp servers. The whole EULA rule started after a kid stole his moms credit card and bought a thousand dollar rank on a server, and the owners wouldn't refund him, causing all this shit about going to the court and stuff blah blah, basically they don't want big servers taking advantage of little kids , by them paying a rank and them promising them super cool in game stuff, which is exactly what 99% of all the big pvp servers do. But yes, all servers do this, so they can have money to support the server as it grows, because running a server isn't free. Basically, these large servers have larger costing ranks with lots of donators, they have so many donators of such large amounts of money that they are actually starting to make a LIVING off of their donations. Which is why those certain servers are getting blacklisted. They don't want server owners to be making a living off of little kids money, minecraft is meant to be an online game where players can come online and have fun, when they buy a donator rank they expect the owner to use the money towards paying to keep the server running, not spending it at the local grocery store. So no, hometown has like a -0.02% of being shutdown

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