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I need rescource person
so In order for me and My business to grow I would like to please if someone minds if they would like to work for me. I just need someone to get bulk resources for me . I can pay you pretty well. money is not really and issue for me it is just the time it takes to consume . I can promise a pay of 60$ a month depending on the needs

if I need to raise the pay grade I can do it . If you are interested in the Job do /msg GhostBuster for an application . I am just tired of bbuying from shops. the people are great it just it hard to find a good set of shops when everyone is out of stock for the things you need which is why I am doing this. If interested again msg me thank you
Would the person also get paid for the actual resources or is it just $60 a month no matter what? $60 = 3 days of voting, not really worth it if they have to gather 10 double chests of stone or something.
Sorry about that whole “shooting you” thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart, which is currently all over that tree, you’ll find a way to forgive me.

[Image: GU8OFOr.png]
well It will depend on what is needed . I would pay and ask for resources I would not ask for much that is why I would pay that but like I said the price is adjustable

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