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hometown commands
what mods does hometown use? and if the mods created it can i download it or something? like the sitting on stairs , /afk , /list, and /home and /warp. where can i get that so i can use it in my singleplayer world? if i cant then just let me know.
They are not mods but Plugins just look on Google bukkit Plugins
The commands used on the server require you to have a multiplayer server using spigot or bukkit (i think), to get something similar, you'll probably want this: http://www.minecraftmods.com/single-player-commands/
Sorry about that whole “shooting you” thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart, which is currently all over that tree, you’ll find a way to forgive me.

[Image: GU8OFOr.png]

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