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Ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Reason for your ban: griefing

Who banned you: Kat

Dear hometown
      In my time at hometown it was fun, exciting, and full of possibility. When I was griefing those plots I thought hey how could it come back to hurt me. In my last 2-6 days of being banned, I've come to conclusion that people work hard to get those items in which I've stolen and I formally would like to apologize.

     If I could be given 1 more chance on hometown to play nicely and the way its supposed to be played I will put great work and time into the server as a community to make it great. Also all the people I can find that were hurt in this process I will find a way to repay them the best I can. As a varsity nose lineman at my high school I've learned through tough hard training your there to help the team and if one person cant pull there wait or do there part it can hurt everyone/everything and clearly as shown I was not using my best "game judgement".

    In conclusion I find this a fun, friendly server that I like to play on with a couple of people and I would like one more chance to show what I can really do following the rules this time. Me and close friends would really appreciate if we could all play together again

                                                                                                                                          Sincerely Andrew
                                                                                                                                   a.k.a Coolzombie2004
One thing, if I un-ban you, will you promise to give back any contraband to a staff member so it can be burnt.
- KatNip
(06-04-2016, 06:46 PM)TheOnlyKat Wrote: One thing, if I un-ban you, will you promise to give back any contraband to a staff member so it can be burnt.

Yes I will give the stuff to an admin
Kat was about to unban you, but i've found grief from you as well. You griefed warp town, and you griefed a player. I would like to know just how many different areas you have griefed before we let you back on the server.
umm well here's the thing it was quite a number and im sorry I cant recall all of them but I have the stuff to give to an staff member
It was quite a lot. So you were a mass griefer?
I wouldn't consider it mass more like it was a long night and I apologize for it
and with all respect I don't see the difference from before to now
Okay, you have been unbanned. You will need to give all the contraband to a staff. Additionally, you will need to go back through the tutorial due to the fact you had griefed quite a lot of things.
- KatNip

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