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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: DumbsterBabies

Reason for your ban: Item Frame Griefing

Who banned you: Arayvek

Why should you be unbanned:
I plead innocent to any accusations. I do not grief intentionally and have no desire or reason to damage anyone else's property.
If I have griefed accidentally without noticing, I swear to be more careful and aware of my surrundings so as not to do it again.
I understand griefing is not tolerated on this server and try my best to follow the rules!

Why do you want to come back: I love the server, the players, and the staff. I've been playing here for all of 3 days and already made great friends.
Compared to the other SMP servers I've played on, this is the only one I've found to be decent and with a good atmosphere. 
I spent all day yesterday helping Patty move chest-fulls of things and helped Moonid traverse an abandoned mineshaft! I just want to be with my friends and help them and have fun with them.
You broke item frames that held diamond armor and tools. It was in someone's shop. I've got screenshot evidence I can post when I get home later tonight.

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