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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com

Minecraft name: Syrup456

Reason for your ban: X-ray

Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe

Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because I was simply not using x-ray, I do have the texture pack but I do not use it. The texture pack is only for the 1.8.9 version so even if I tried to use it it would most likely glitch out. I don't like to cheat on smp servers, I mostly like to play with my friends and have a good time. I'm the kind of person that doesn't cheat just to have a good time. smp servers are really rare on minecraft now unless you make one yourself like this server did. Playing on a server like this is hard to find now in minecraft like I mentioned just before. If I ever did use the x-ray it would be on the older version of minecraft and a completely random server to troll my friends. This server I actually did a lot of looking for it took me almost 2 hours to actually find this server in general. I also took some time into fixing my computers software so it would actually work on 1.10. So far I have a really fun time on this server and hope I get unbanned from it so I can play with my friends again and have a good time. 

Why do you want to come back: These servers are really hard to find, I have a ton of fun on it, and its the only server I can play and work hard on knowing I wont be completely greifed on it while sleeping. I have spent a lot of my time into this server and I don't want all my progress to be meaningless.
Okay, here's what's going to happen.  You're going to click my profile and read my bio; 2nd paragraph from the top.  Then, you're going to go and look and all the posts I've made on ban appeals, you're going to notice something about x-rayers and how it ends for them.  After that, I want you to realize how stupid you're being and edit your appeal to state the truth.

I don't give out 2nd chances like this, so don't squander it on being a moron.  Make sure whatever you're saying is what you want to say.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

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