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Ban-Appeals :)
Server you were banned on (SMP):
Hey I was banned on smp.hometown.com.

Minecraft name:
Mine minecraft name is Love_Future.

Reason for your ban:
I griefed and Ignored the Rules (Sorry Sad ).

Who banned you:
I was banned by Kat.

Why should you be unbanned:
I will be unbanned because I really change me and i never do this again. I promise it.

Why do you want to come back:
I will be come back because I love this server and I promise it that i never grief and Ignore again in my Live!

Okay i hope that i unbanned 
and yes i wish you a Merry Christmas
Greetings Chris Smile
Hello. You have been gone for about 8 months. In that time we have had a server reset. You had griefed at /warp town (old server) and when I confronted you about it you never replied. If you wish to come back, you will need to put more effort into this appeal. Please could you tell me why you're sorry and you shouldn't grief. If you could do that I will be willing to unban you.

- KatNip
I dont more Grief because I learned that I play friendly and not so bad and yes very sorry for that what I do.
I will play with my friend on this server because its the Best server that I Know in my life!
I hope that i will unbanned

I will be unbanning you. Welcome back to HT please do /rules when you re-join.
- KatNip
okay thank so muchBig Grin

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