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Ban Appeal 'Crop Theft'
[b]Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):[/b] Your text


[b]Minecraft name:[/b] Your text


[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Your text

Crop Theft (I don't recall doing.)

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Your text


[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] Your text

I should be unbanned because I don't recall going near any crop associated farms by anybody else
other than 'Ufarms'. There was a time where the owner of Ufarms asked me to make sure to replant
the netherwart, I thought it was a warning. If This WAS THE CASE, then I thought it was a warning
and didn't replant it. I have reasons to believe that I've been false banned! I have started playing
Minecraft for the soul purpose of playing in Hometown. I would like an explanation specifically and
and clearly of WHERE I 'Stole Crops'. WHO I stole the crops from apparently. And, IF I CAN HAVE A

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b] Your text

Hometown is the Reason I got Minecraft on PC in the first place once my friends started playing in
the Server. Ever Since, I've made large structures and I was in progress of making a shop. It was my
favorite servers by far And I really don't want to have to leave it. I have hours of time on that
server probably worth over 24 hours or more! I don't wanna' be banned from such a great server but I
really wish that There were warnings and the enforcing wasn't so unjust and harsh on players. Like I
said, This happened to me without my knowledge. I think the explanations should be more clear.
I didn't know this would happen but I really am sorry and Want a second chance. This happened to me
while I was out of town. I just came back and had to see I was banned and I'm confused, please
explain further, and reach back as soon as possible. Thanks.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

You weren't banned for the nether warts, however thank you for telling me that. You have took nearly all of the chorus plants seen in the screenshot. Leaving behind the bottom stem of chorus plant is NOT a correct way to replant chorus. It is not like cactus. Please look up how to do it correctly, and respond back here with a short explanation of it.

Also I'd like to add that at Ufarms, there are a sign at each of the warps that says "Please replant. If you do not you may be banned!"

Developer of AdvancedGift, AdvancedAuction, and several custom HomeTown plugins.
[Image: IvjGhMb.png]
(11-26-2018, 02:39 AM)TrekkieEnderman Wrote: https://imgur.com/36Tgef7

You weren't banned for the nether warts, however thank you for telling me that. You have took nearly all of the chorus plants seen in the screenshot. Leaving behind the bottom stem of chorus plant is NOT a correct way to replant chorus. It is not like cactus. Please look up how to do it correctly, and respond back here with a short explanation of it.

Also I'd like to add that at Ufarms, there are a sign at each of the warps that says "Please replant. If you do not you may be banned!"

My apologies. 
I was not aware that was how chorus plants were farmed. I had never used that before cause I only played Minecraft on my ipad, and never farmed them. I was not active during the update in which they were added. So sorry. 
Also, I was confused and foolish. 

This is what i caught from how Chorus plants work..

The chorus plant has a stem. When the stem is broken, the chorus fruit will fall. It will drop a flower looking block which is considered a seed.

It shows that the first and bottom stem should not be broken, otherwise it will no grow back unless replanted similar to Sugarcane. As the sign abbreviates. 

I am sincerely sorry for my actions and I can assure that I will indeed not do it again and further attempt to 'stick my head in the game' and try not to be such a fool to not simplistically read a sign and know how to farm. Thanks so much for responding so soon! I hope this helps me get unbanned.
Your answer is acceptable, however I'd like to point out that chorus flowers won't drop if the stem is broken first. The flowers have to be harvested first, then it's fine to break the stem.

You've been unbanned. Please be more careful to replant next time. Welcome back to HomeTown!
Developer of AdvancedGift, AdvancedAuction, and several custom HomeTown plugins.
[Image: IvjGhMb.png]

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