06-19-2019, 07:43 PM
I think we have come to a point where there are too many huts (any build smaller than 25x25) made by people who have been offline for 7+months. I understand that every legal build (5x5 w/ chest) and claim is there for life but we are running into an issue where no one can build anything bigger than a small house due to being crowded.
what I propose is we get a small team (2-3 people) with permissions to roll areas back. if a certain player has been perma-banned or has been AFK for more than 5 months ( with a build smaller than 25x25) their areas should be rolled back and any valuable items (enchanted tools, diamonds, etc) should be stored in a chest with their name on it. then the player would be compensated based on the size of their house.
Examples would be
5x5 shack (square house) = 250 IGC and their valuables stored
10x10 build ( small home) = 1000 IGC and their valuables stored
essentially the idea is the number of blocks the build takes up multiplied by 10. so bigger builds would get more in compensation because they would have to be rebuilt if that player ever gets back on.
this solution would take some time, but if everyone in the community who are actively seeking out a place to build come across something then it would make the process go by faster. horses and other pack animals can be egged and stored in the chests.
I understand that it is time consuming. but its not an immediate fix. even with the border expansion, areas are going to get crowded by people who build a small hut and never get on. we can even get a world edit tool and copy/paste their builds ( if they meet a certain criteria) and paste them to a creative plot.
what I propose is we get a small team (2-3 people) with permissions to roll areas back. if a certain player has been perma-banned or has been AFK for more than 5 months ( with a build smaller than 25x25) their areas should be rolled back and any valuable items (enchanted tools, diamonds, etc) should be stored in a chest with their name on it. then the player would be compensated based on the size of their house.
Examples would be
5x5 shack (square house) = 250 IGC and their valuables stored
10x10 build ( small home) = 1000 IGC and their valuables stored
essentially the idea is the number of blocks the build takes up multiplied by 10. so bigger builds would get more in compensation because they would have to be rebuilt if that player ever gets back on.
this solution would take some time, but if everyone in the community who are actively seeking out a place to build come across something then it would make the process go by faster. horses and other pack animals can be egged and stored in the chests.
I understand that it is time consuming. but its not an immediate fix. even with the border expansion, areas are going to get crowded by people who build a small hut and never get on. we can even get a world edit tool and copy/paste their builds ( if they meet a certain criteria) and paste them to a creative plot.