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11th Hunger Games Information and Rules
 It's time for another Hunger Games! This time we will be using the arena y'all know as /warp illopvp!! You will get $150 for each person that you kill, and the top 3 players will receive a cash prize. The prizes will be awarded at the end of the event. Here's how you play: Everyone will start in a pod in the air. When the game begins the doors will open and everyone will jump into the map. Everyone will then start to search for Armor, Weapons, Food, and Potions. During the game players will fight to the death. You are allowed to pick up other people's loot! Once there is only 4 Players left alive the DeathMatch will begin. Each player will receive their own /warp to the arena via /msg.  We also have a way for everyone to spectate the games after they die! You can use /warp spectate to get to the map and you can use /warp deathmatchspectate to get to the deathmatch arena (these /warps are only used by spectators)


Friday June 19th at 11:00 PM Central Time!

. This is Central Time so you will have to convert it to your time zone. Please try to be 20-30 minutes early! 


 Go to /warp hungergames. If you die you can go to /warp spectate, if you want to watch the deathmatch go to /warp deathmatchspectate. 


$150 per Kill.

1st Place: $3,000

2nd Place: $2,000

3rd Place: $1,000

Rules: If you break any of these rules you will be permanently banned from the Hunger Games.

1. No Commands like /tpa, /back, /ptime, /fly, etc.

2. Do not abuse any glitches, flaws in the map, or use hacks of any kind.

3. Do not try to leave the arena. If you leave the map you will be disqualified. And do not try to get in after you have died.

4. Come with an empty inventory. Do not bring weapons, armor, food, etc.

5. Teaming IS NOT ALLOWED. If there is teaming of any kind you will be disqualified. This includes giving other people gear.

6. Do not abuse the spectator's area or try to get back in once you have died.

7. If you accidentally glitch into the map before the game starts or while you are spectating please warp out. Don't wander around.

 A big thanks to our sponsors /warp beltopia and /warp pier1 for donating the prize money and /warp kingdom for donating all the potions! Go check out their warps! If you'd like to sponsor the next Hunger Games you can send me a DM on discord or ingame.

  Suggestions are always appreciated. If you have any questions you can message me on Discord at Jadon_B #8784. Hope y'all have fun and Good Luck Everyone!

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