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my own Easter egg hunt
first of all I would like to clarify this is not an event hosted by staff. Its something small I wanted to do for fun. I am hosting a "scavenger hunt" or an easter egg hunt as you would call it.I have hidden 14 chests around the world(not res world) each chest has something inside, read what it says and do what it says.(msg me if some dont have something in it bc I might have missed 1 or 2) 
1.im opening this hunt March 31st. you will have. from march 31st till the end of Easter Day, this coming Sunday.
2.you're only able to find 1 chest a day to make it fair for others.
3. each chest has the same prize but there are also other prizes for each chest found. some may be really good but some also may be a potato so that is where you will test your luck! but if you end up with a potato you still get the initial prize which may or may not be $$$.
4. for any further questions, mail xGAMx
5. there are 14 chests so im going to put a number generator 1-14 and whatever number it lands on will be the price u get.
6. if you get to one and its empty (MSG OR MAIL ME FIRST, it could be one of 2 things. I didn't put an item in there at first or someone else went to that chest first. I can check that for you so please let me know)
Here are the coords to the 14 chests














[Image: sW0qOSG]

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