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HELlo! I am looking for an airship to be built over my island! I am looking for SKILLED builders who can build me a sorta custom airship in similar style to The Hindenburg, or like The Prydewn from Fallout 4, PLEASE PLEASE someone! I will pay for cost of building & materials!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


Msg/Mail me in game, We can discuss doing it.
Mechanic, Landrover lover, dont let me near a welder and an oxy torch Big Grin

[Image: CZo9VnF.png]
(04-22-2016, 03:10 AM)The_Epic_Legend Wrote: HELlo! I am looking for an airship to be built over my island! I am looking for SKILLED builders who can build me a sorta custom airship in similar style to The Hindenburg, or like The Prydewn from Fallout 4, PLEASE PLEASE someone! I will pay for cost of building & materials!

I funded this project(partly) we exchanged $750 (from me) for a dragon head (from him)

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