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An Apology...
Hello fellow HT players. 'Tis I, GingaPower2k, and today I've come to apologize. Since the reset of the server, I've been kind of an ass. I've ruined some players gameplay by acting childish and ignorant. I have snapped at players that have done nothing wrong, and acted annoying or childish when maturity was needed. I've taken things too far with players, causing them to have some form of hatred. I've had players ignore me, wanted me kicked, and others reasons I might not even know of.

   What I feel part of the reason of my annoyance to the chat is my constant about my Elytras and Dragon Heads. I always talk about them, and show them off even though everyone knows about them already. I now see how rude and immature I am to always bring them up, and It's something that will change immediately. To any players that I annoyed for that reason, I apologize.

  Another reason I feel I've been an ass is just my attitude. I do like to have fun and play jokes, but I know that I can take things too far, yet I go on and ignore the little voice in me that tells me to stop. Some jokes I play might be funny, and others I can see are annoying and can be offensive. This, also, is something that will change immediately.

   Finally, I feel that my attitude to other players is the worst thing I have done so far. I have snapped at people who have done nothing wrong, and I've been punished for it. I've been muted, told to stop. I've since apologized to the players, and they said they accepted my apology. I've been rude to innocent players or bad-mouthed others. I've been warned my staff, and other players, and yet I ignored them. I hope that the players I've offended or have snapped at can accept that I was at fault and know that I never meant what I said or did.

   Again, I know I have done wrong. I have been at fault many times, and have been punished, yet I still seem to ignore the warnings right in front of me. This isn't a ban appeal, this is coming straight from my heart to you players as an apology for all my wrongful actions. I hope that we can move past my mistakes and we can continue to have fun as a family on HomeTown. I miss the old days, (Even though I'm relatively new), and I hope to bring back good memories with you all.

   That's all I have for this thread. Have a good one to all of you. Smile
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
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that's okay dawg u chill

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