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Second Attempt at a Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP 

Minecraft name: TangentKitty135

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): For use of X-raying for resources 

Who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): TheDutyPaid, if you are reading this, I hope you remember me, I've taken some time going onto other servers, and saw what it had accomplished without the use of X-ray. It was a place where everyone worked together with everyone, providing shelter and help from all. And guess what, I saw that same server standard on this server, as I saw all thrive. Using X-ray to me feels like giving a dog a challenge to find a bone to chew on out in the wild, and to hunt down a wild animal for such bone, only to realize you live on an animal farm. It makes it unfair for the dogs attempt and creating a strength to hunt and will to be in the wild, and for the farmer, losing all his values and property. This all simply was because giving a dog such a task was thought to be challenging and worth doing as a way to release the dogs energy and to train him. You, the administrator/Moderator, would take the role of the Farmer, and the dog, would presumably represent me. 

Why do you want to come back: For the very few days I was on the server, I felt guilt and disloyalty to everyone around me, and I wish only to be back into the community. TheDutyPaid (or whoever is reviewing this), understand that I would not feel such a emotion struggle as to if the server was not worth staying in. Now, I know you might be asking yourself that why break the rules if you cared for the community so much. Greed and fortune got the best of me, and I prioritized the very wrong thing. I was desperate, and needed a way to make money, At first I was mining normally, but I was not acquiring enough money, and wished for a faster way. Installing X-ray, at first made me a rich a happy young man. The thought of no Admins or Mods supervising the server, internally, convinced me further to continue such actions. Please consider me, I again, understand I was unfair to all, and I take complete blame, I'd even ask as for a probation, I just hope you give this a good read and think it through. Smile 
You have spoken about visiting other servers and while Hometown is unique, there are many other servers which offer similar game play experience.
I am curious to understand why you have not settled on one of them? Your short time on HT you did interact with other players but I can't really see involvement with others.

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