12-29-2024, 07:56 AM
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Both
Minecraft username: wingedseraph (i think, may have changed it back to symonescherub)
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): name calling, using discord to circumvent /ignore and harass a player after being warned by staff to stop
Who banned you: staff
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): because, it's been a long time (at least for me), and I am ready to be a better person. I was told to wait a few weeks at the least, so I waited a few months. If you will allow me the chance, I would like to make things right. There are a lot of people on the server I miss, and pets that miss me (Miss u Desiigner) and it is a nice way to pass time. I am sorry for whomever I have offended, and I have had a lot of time to reflect on what I did, and I know that it was wrong, and I won't do it again. It was not a good representation who I really am, but it is hard for you guys to discern that, because of the things I have done. i would like to ask you guys to give me a chance to change this, and i am sorry to the peeps who i gave a hard time (specifically jorah and mel). love u mel even tho we don't get along. and dorito i am not mad at you, i forgive u and when u feel like it you can forgive me too if u want. (also I heard u are staff now, and i am happy for u, i know u talked about wanting to be staff for a while
Why do you want to come back: It is a nice way to pass time.
and i miss talking to a bunch of cool people from around the world and usin minecraft as a way to communicate. was a nice experience. there is also more work to be done in the mines and at my abode, and I am ready to take it on. my labor is good for the economy
Minecraft username: wingedseraph (i think, may have changed it back to symonescherub)
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): name calling, using discord to circumvent /ignore and harass a player after being warned by staff to stop
Who banned you: staff
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): because, it's been a long time (at least for me), and I am ready to be a better person. I was told to wait a few weeks at the least, so I waited a few months. If you will allow me the chance, I would like to make things right. There are a lot of people on the server I miss, and pets that miss me (Miss u Desiigner) and it is a nice way to pass time. I am sorry for whomever I have offended, and I have had a lot of time to reflect on what I did, and I know that it was wrong, and I won't do it again. It was not a good representation who I really am, but it is hard for you guys to discern that, because of the things I have done. i would like to ask you guys to give me a chance to change this, and i am sorry to the peeps who i gave a hard time (specifically jorah and mel). love u mel even tho we don't get along. and dorito i am not mad at you, i forgive u and when u feel like it you can forgive me too if u want. (also I heard u are staff now, and i am happy for u, i know u talked about wanting to be staff for a while

Why do you want to come back: It is a nice way to pass time.