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VIP 2 Trade?
I recently purchased an Alt account for AFK and money purposes, and I'd love for it to have VIP2+ so I can fly and also AFK without having to be in an AFK machine.

Although I'd like to stay on top of baltop, I do have an plethora of items I'd be willing to trade for VIP2 that would equal the average price for VIP2, which is between $30,000 - $50,000 in-game cash. These items include, but not limited to,: 
  • 1 Dragon Egg
  • 3-5 Shulker Boxes
  • 1 Dragon Head
  • Beacons
  • Spawn Eggs
  • Free Librarian Villagers w/ best trades
If anyone is interested in a trade, please reply to this thread or msg/mail me in game. I'd love to strike out a deal for my alternate account.

Thanks!  Big Grin
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop

(05-16-2018, 03:05 AM)Gingapower2k Wrote: Hello,
I recently purchased an Alt account for AFK and money purposes, and I'd love for it to have VIP2+ so I can fly and also AFK without having to be in an AFK machine.

Although I'd like to stay on top of baltop, I do have an plethora of items I'd be willing to trade for VIP2 that would equal the average price for VIP2, which is between $30,000 - $50,000 in-game cash. These items include, but not limited to,: 
  • 1 Dragon Egg
  • 3-5 Shulker Boxes
  • 1 Dragon Head
  • Beacons
  • Spawn Eggs
  • Free Librarian Villagers w/ best trades
If anyone is interested in a trade, please reply to this thread or msg/mail me in game. I'd love to strike out a deal for my alternate account.
Let me know when you're online and we can do it.
I am on right now if you can get on, if not I'll be on later today. Thank you!
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop


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