04-10-2021, 02:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2021, 02:01 AM by Eli_Eli_Eli_.)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): smp.hometownmc.com
Minecraft name: Eli_Eli_Eli_
Reason for your ban: dicks are NOT appropriate.
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned:To be completely honest, I understand if I am perm banned as this is my 3rd ban and I was being completely inappropriate and disrespectful! I am so ashamed of my actions and if I was unbanned it would never happen again. I have no logical explanation as to why I was building or painting inappropriate things such as genitals it was immature and offensive. So like I said, I understand that I will probably not be allowed back on this server and I fully understand.
Why do you want to come back: This server has been the only thing that has kept me together throughout this pandemic some of my best freinds play on this server and i have made many freinds which is not an easy thing for me to do. This server has the most cariing and helpful community, best staff, and best economics. I would do anything to be allowed back on this server although i understand if i am not. i have pushed the rules and limits 3 times too many and i am so so sorry. it will never happen again but I'm sure thats not very believable coming from me.
I am so sorry to mel and all the staff that had to put up with me and anyone who i hurt, offended, or annoyed.
From Eli_Eli_Eli_
Minecraft name: Eli_Eli_Eli_
Reason for your ban: dicks are NOT appropriate.
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned:To be completely honest, I understand if I am perm banned as this is my 3rd ban and I was being completely inappropriate and disrespectful! I am so ashamed of my actions and if I was unbanned it would never happen again. I have no logical explanation as to why I was building or painting inappropriate things such as genitals it was immature and offensive. So like I said, I understand that I will probably not be allowed back on this server and I fully understand.
Why do you want to come back: This server has been the only thing that has kept me together throughout this pandemic some of my best freinds play on this server and i have made many freinds which is not an easy thing for me to do. This server has the most cariing and helpful community, best staff, and best economics. I would do anything to be allowed back on this server although i understand if i am not. i have pushed the rules and limits 3 times too many and i am so so sorry. it will never happen again but I'm sure thats not very believable coming from me.
I am so sorry to mel and all the staff that had to put up with me and anyone who i hurt, offended, or annoyed.
From Eli_Eli_Eli_