04-09-2021, 01:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2021, 06:24 PM by PotatoLexi_03.)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Hometown Minecraft server
Minecraft name: PotatoLexi_03
Reason for your ban: X-raying
Who banned you: Melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because I understand that X-raying is an abuse of power, (If that makes sense, I hope it does,) I was only using it to get more diamonds, which was wrong, I shouldn't have done it in the first place but I ignored my feelings and did it anyway. I was in the wrong, I take full responsibility for my actions and the punishment. It was no one else's fault but mine.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because I love this server, I love the community, the people, the way everyone talks to each other in chat. I spent a short time on this server but I have grown to love the community as a whole. I use the server as an escape from reality and the outside world around me. It is a place where I can be myself and express myself.
Note: I am sorry and I understand if you would like to keep me banned from this server, but I hope that you will reconsider. I hope you have a nice day. -Lexi
Minecraft name: PotatoLexi_03
Reason for your ban: X-raying
Who banned you: Melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned because I understand that X-raying is an abuse of power, (If that makes sense, I hope it does,) I was only using it to get more diamonds, which was wrong, I shouldn't have done it in the first place but I ignored my feelings and did it anyway. I was in the wrong, I take full responsibility for my actions and the punishment. It was no one else's fault but mine.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because I love this server, I love the community, the people, the way everyone talks to each other in chat. I spent a short time on this server but I have grown to love the community as a whole. I use the server as an escape from reality and the outside world around me. It is a place where I can be myself and express myself.
Note: I am sorry and I understand if you would like to keep me banned from this server, but I hope that you will reconsider. I hope you have a nice day. -Lexi
It is what it is