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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HometownMC

Minecraft username: .Darkmatter2802

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-Raying

Who banned you: the4neko

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I wasn’t xraying, I have full-bright and ore outlines (my game tends to put me in blocks and it basically gets rid of the blocks around me, like making them invisible)

Why do you want to come back: I wasn’t hacking, I can’t even get X-ray on my iPhone lol, I have pictures of ALL my texture packs. 

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Where to start... screenshots as a proof that you did not xray are really really weak, since it takes about 2 seconds to delete anything there and then take the screenshot.

Second thing, if you have any type of texture pack that lets you see blocks behind other blocks, like the glow ores you saying you use, these are also considered xray (glow ores are ok as far as they not glowing through blocks).

Abusing any glitches like blocks not rendering is also considered xraying/cheating.

And now to why I think you still not telling the truth:

So this is from today, would not say it's just ores glowing through walls:
[Image: 5Z1I6w3.png]

Or here, you just mined into wall and then into roof to get these:
[Image: SrAuztB.png]

Or this wall?:
[Image: UDgAivj.png]

Here between the text you can see you mined straight down to some dia:
[Image: UfMiuhS.png]

And where it was even more obvious? At nether! I'm sorry but don't blame glowing ores and not rendering chunks, this was some sort of xray:
[Image: haw93t2.png]
[Image: VjJEiuM.png]

So, based on this, do you wanna change your appeal?

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