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Ban evasion
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): hometownmc

Minecraft username: Dyako_gamer369 and Ninjafuj

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): because of ban evasion 

Who banned you: melaniebeedot

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I braked rules years ago by using x ray and ban evading and didn't did appeal if you say why I didn't did appeal it was because I didn't knew how to and didn't read the text of the screen when I got ban because I was toxic and didn't cared then I did ban evasion lot times that I don't remember how much account I used to ban evasion Wich was the wronges thing I've ever done yet I feel so dumb when I'm thinking of it and I want to correct this bad things that I did and I want to proof my self I'm not that toxic player any more if you say you did ban evasion again yes I did because I love this server and Iv got perm ban so there was no other choice to come back to that server.

Why do you want to come back: like I said I really changed and it's being 3 month of hard working and without braking any rules I earned money with out any cheating and I have a whole town I don't want lose it I really love this server I just want 1 more chance only 1 I have no reason to cheat ever again please think of my hard work I did with no braking rules and because of my first braking rule that I did at first and that was x ray you can take everything that I have my money and my valuable items escape the town even though in .ninjafuj account I didn't did anything wrong that's all I have to say it's all from my heart hope you response as a good news Sad

It has not been years since you were banned for x-ray... it has been 5 months:

Since you don't remember how many accounts you then ban evaded on... it was 7. You came back 7 times on alt accounts to evade your ban. 1 of which was to x-ray again. Then a few months ago you decided to try to come back as .Ninjafuj, which makes 8. After I banned that one, you joined on yet another alt, which makes 9. So including the original ban, you've been banned from HomeTown a total of 10 times.

I'd also like to point out that your entire response to  "Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?)"  is just a summary of everything you've done wrong.... which is why you ARE banned, not why you should be unbanned.... Nothing about this response convinces me to give you a second chance.

Not only that, but your ban is permanent, you were not given the option to appeal due to your continued disregard for our rules, so I'm not sure what we're doing here in the first place... but lets continue.

You say you want to come back because since you've come back to ban evade on .Ninjafuj, it's been "3 months of hard working and without braking any rules'', so I decided to verify that claim and look into your mining just in case and...

Straight down in the floor at the back of a cave, onto diamonds

[Image: NsmXHs2.png]

Straight down from the surface into a geode, then straight into the wall into diamonds

[Image: yDcfMVs.png]

Straight down into the floor of a cave, onto diamonds

[Image: 40wBKWZ.png]

Straight down from the surface again, onto diamonds

[Image: jO1VDtG.png]

Like, come on.

What you also don't seem to grasp is that you were breaking the rules the entire time just by playing here, because of the ban evasion. You keep saying we're ''leaving you no other choice'' but you do have another choice, which I keep telling you as you flood my DMs, and your other choice is this: Move on. Find a new server. Your ban is permanent because you can't seem to follow our rules, even when you ban evade near a dozen times, you come back yet again to continue x-raying it seems. So I don't believe you've changed, and we won't be giving you another chance. Please stop, and just move on.

Best of luck finding a new server.

Appeal denied.

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