3 hours ago
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Smp and Discord
Minecraft username: .IndianKri1983
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Actions on discord in #serverchat
Who banned you: Nether_Ruler
Why should you be unbanned(Why should we give you a second chance?): As I have already mentioned in my previous appeals, it was not me who was cursing. You can see that my behaviour while typing those stuffs is completely different as I was not the one. My exams were going on so me and my friends decided to do group study. I was with my friend whom you and dorito had banned. He was angry and wanted to take revenge on you by picking up my mobile phone and going to server chat cursing to you. Obviously his minecraft username was .Adi5eln5146w. If you see the actions I usually do and action I did at that time, there is much difference. When I left my phone while I was gone, he did all these things. When I got to know that incident, I was already banned from the discord and the server. I am not trying to say that I don't have any faults but I wasn't the one who abused you. I also have a fault in it but from now on I will keep my phone away from any of my friends. Please give me a last chance.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this is the only server I play in and here are my many friends. I can't even think about going to another server. For me this server was the best, is the best and always be the best. I wouldn't be irresponsible ever again in my life.
Minecraft username: .IndianKri1983
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Actions on discord in #serverchat
Who banned you: Nether_Ruler
Why should you be unbanned(Why should we give you a second chance?): As I have already mentioned in my previous appeals, it was not me who was cursing. You can see that my behaviour while typing those stuffs is completely different as I was not the one. My exams were going on so me and my friends decided to do group study. I was with my friend whom you and dorito had banned. He was angry and wanted to take revenge on you by picking up my mobile phone and going to server chat cursing to you. Obviously his minecraft username was .Adi5eln5146w. If you see the actions I usually do and action I did at that time, there is much difference. When I left my phone while I was gone, he did all these things. When I got to know that incident, I was already banned from the discord and the server. I am not trying to say that I don't have any faults but I wasn't the one who abused you. I also have a fault in it but from now on I will keep my phone away from any of my friends. Please give me a last chance.
Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because this is the only server I play in and here are my many friends. I can't even think about going to another server. For me this server was the best, is the best and always be the best. I wouldn't be irresponsible ever again in my life.