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Fine Arts
I took this photo recently. I had to wake up about 5am to get out here. But its still my favorite picture that I've taken so far

[Image: 10683646_10153680902640789_2211669000926726486_o.jpg]image sharing

(08-05-2016, 03:09 PM)Cookie___Monster Wrote: Heyo! I finally need a new sketchbook!  I have used every page in the book, but I tear out drawings I don't like, so my book has become very thin and I have like five-ish pages left in the entire book, none of which are blank.  Also, my next sketchbook will probably have pages with less width considering I only use like half of the page when I draw; it'll also make it easier to carry.  Anyway, the remaining pages in the notebook contain the drawings of which I like the most in the past five-ish months.  For the last five months I've been seeing what I can do with a single pencil, so I'm proud of the outcomes of these drawings. 

Pretty sure, I haven't shared like two or three of these with y'all before.

I'll provide credit to the models used if I can;  most of the photos I use have no mention of names or anything, so it can be quite tough to find.

[Image: 0lVGh98.jpg]

[Image: EwTuzPh.jpg]

^ This drawing started when my drawing teacher urged me to try and include some kind of symbolism or something.  I still don't understand that side of art and probably never will, but I still appeased her.  She liked the drawing.  (Side note:  None of these drawings were for actual grades; just me and my drawing teacher in private, outside of class).  Honestly though, I believe if a piece of art makes you feel anything, then it has accomplished its goal.

Model Credit: Julia Saner

[Image: Nat7zmk.jpg]

^ For this one, my teacher wanted me to try drawing emotion... other than blank stares, like I usually do.  Must admit, blank stares are much, much easier to draw.  And it may just be me, but drawing emotion is really boring for me for some reason; dunno why.  I don't really care though cause the teacher liked it so I was happy anyway.  I never drew anything more in the drawing mostly cause I had no idea how to shade the tongue... no fuckin' clue.  Never told the teacher that either...

[Image: lzWUHmX.jpg]

^ This was more of a pet project that I never finished.  Mostly cause fuck bones.  So much harder to shade than I thought they would be.  Also the bone alignment with the curve of her torso was impossible for me to even think of, so I eventually just gave up on it.  I've created a back up plan just in case I ever want to resume this drawing though!  I'll just use charcoal to create a black background and use it to cover up the bones.  Hopefully the contrast of the charcoal won't be too much for the other body parts.

Model Credit: Helen Flanagan

[Image: vmfcmG7.jpg]

^ Definitely one of my favorites and most time consuming drawings I've done before; second only to the first posted drawing.  This one was really just for shits & giggles to be honest.  No real story here.

[Image: 9mQ17kI.jpg]

^ This drawing was fun at first because of the charcoal background and then erasing away the charcoal until I got an outline of what I wanted.  However, the grainy background charcoal made shading a real pain in the ass because I just couldn't get a good contrast between the two.  Favorite part was doing the hair though!  Easiest hair I have ever done.

^ Extra.  I haven't drawn anything since like late June.  So, when I don't draw for long periods of times I sort of go into an anxiety-like state when I try to draw again.  I literally cannot explain it better than I become afraid of my pencil.  Weird, I know.  So free extra sketch I did tonight.  This lil' drawing was the one to fill the last page of my sketchbook :/.  Best quess I have on the model is Cara Delevinge.

These are amazing! You've got crazy talent
[Image: create.png]
So, since i am such a fan of Gravity Falls i decided to make my own journal like the ones in the show... I know it might not be the best, but i worked really darn hard to make it. Enjoy
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King

Every few months I try drawing with charcoal, but have never been able to.  Mostly cause drawing with charcoal is nothing like drawing with graphite.  Today I finally drew something with charcoal that I'm proud of!

[Image: sbAgM6d.jpg]

(08-05-2016, 03:18 PM)Solid_Brass Wrote: I took this photo recently. I had to wake up about 5am to get out here. But its still my favorite picture that I've taken so far

[Image: 10683646_10153680902640789_2211669000926726486_o.jpg]image sharing

These are amazing! You've got crazy talent

That photo is mesmerizing!  I hope you don't mind, but I'm using that as my desktop background.

Also, thank you!
[Image: uQjg3ot.jpg]

(08-05-2016, 03:09 PM)Cookie___Monster Wrote: Heyo! I finally need a new sketchbook!  I have used every page in the book, but I tear out drawings I don't like, so my book has become very thin and I have like five-ish pages left in the entire book, none of which are blank.  Also, my next sketchbook will probably have pages with less width considering I only use like half of the page when I draw; it'll also make it easier to carry.  Anyway, the remaining pages in the notebook contain the drawings of which I like the most in the past five-ish months.  For the last five months I've been seeing what I can do with a single pencil, so I'm proud of the outcomes of these drawings. 

Pretty sure, I haven't shared like two or three of these with y'all before.

I'll provide credit to the models used if I can;  most of the photos I use have no mention of names or anything, so it can be quite tough to find.

[Image: 0lVGh98.jpg]

[Image: EwTuzPh.jpg]

^ This drawing started when my drawing teacher urged me to try and include some kind of symbolism or something.  I still don't understand that side of art and probably never will, but I still appeased her.  She liked the drawing.  (Side note:  None of these drawings were for actual grades; just me and my drawing teacher in private, outside of class).  Honestly though, I believe if a piece of art makes you feel anything, then it has accomplished its goal.

Model Credit: Julia Saner

[Image: Nat7zmk.jpg]

^ For this one, my teacher wanted me to try drawing emotion... other than blank stares, like I usually do.  Must admit, blank stares are much, much easier to draw.  And it may just be me, but drawing emotion is really boring for me for some reason; dunno why.  I don't really care though cause the teacher liked it so I was happy anyway.  I never drew anything more in the drawing mostly cause I had no idea how to shade the tongue... no fuckin' clue.  Never told the teacher that either...

[Image: lzWUHmX.jpg]

^ This was more of a pet project that I never finished.  Mostly cause fuck bones.  So much harder to shade than I thought they would be.  Also the bone alignment with the curve of her torso was impossible for me to even think of, so I eventually just gave up on it.  I've created a back up plan just in case I ever want to resume this drawing though!  I'll just use charcoal to create a black background and use it to cover up the bones.  Hopefully the contrast of the charcoal won't be too much for the other body parts.

Model Credit: Helen Flanagan

[Image: vmfcmG7.jpg]

^ Definitely one of my favorites and most time consuming drawings I've done before; second only to the first posted drawing.  This one was really just for shits & giggles to be honest.  No real story here.

[Image: 9mQ17kI.jpg]

^ This drawing was fun at first because of the charcoal background and then erasing away the charcoal until I got an outline of what I wanted.  However, the grainy background charcoal made shading a real pain in the ass because I just couldn't get a good contrast between the two.  Favorite part was doing the hair though!  Easiest hair I have ever done.

^ Extra.  I haven't drawn anything since like late June.  So, when I don't draw for long periods of times I sort of go into an anxiety-like state when I try to draw again.  I literally cannot explain it better than I become afraid of my pencil.  Weird, I know.  So free extra sketch I did tonight.  This lil' drawing was the one to fill the last page of my sketchbook :/.  Best quess I have on the model is Cara Delevinge.

Cookie I love your drawings so much, I always like them on instagram. You're really talented, keep drawing u.u
- KatNip
Just a random drawing, hope yall like it u.u
[Image: 4p8igM0.jpg]
- KatNip
I'm awful at art, but you guys are really talented! And Cookie, you're amazing at drawing!
[Image: Jh4Rh61.png]  

(08-21-2016, 08:58 PM)TheOnlyKat Wrote: Just a random drawing, hope yall like it u.u
[Image: 4p8igM0.jpg]
I love it, Kat!
(08-22-2016, 08:57 AM)Patty Wrote: I'm awful at art, but you guys are really talented! And Cookie, you're amazing at drawing!
Thanks Big Grin

A test before I integrate the concept into an actual drawing.  I'll keep y'all updated.  Also, if anyone knows something about blending prismacolors, please share. Thanks!
[Image: ygIK6Cl.jpg]
[Image: uQjg3ot.jpg]

Lmao the only time i ever tried to draw something, i gave it to my mom and she looked at it and said "What is it?".

I have never picked up a pencil since.
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
I wanted to experiment with trying to make my characters' hair softer and fluffier-looking, so I felt like drawing some characters I hadn't drawn in a long time. Here they are, twin sisters, along with a bit of exposition on their backgrounds. That's Melody on the right, and Malady on the left.

[Image: GxeJiXW.png]

*Wall of text incoming!*

So Melody was created to the be the colorful perky girl, and Malady was created... because I wanted to draw a cute gothic girl. So while their clothes bear opposing color schemes, they both wear thematically similar outfits - mostly because Melody delights in making her sister look cute, and Malady enjoys the attention. Despite this, there are differences between the two that dressing up can't hide. Malady's skin is paler, and although I started both of them with the same base shade of red for their eyes, Melody's eyes - err, eye, I suppose, is brighter and Malady always looks completely exhausted. Though both wear the same hairstyle and I aimed to make their hair fluffy, Malady has very unkempt hair to Melody's smooth hair.

Melody and Malady are supporting characters I whipped up for the ongoing game story I've been piecing together bit by bit for ages, designed to be optional party members who can be recruited via a sidequest. The two are born to an affluent family of renown, but Malady was born stricken with a rare terminal illness that, without fail, claims the life of its victim soon after their 18th birthday. Having learned this, their parents felt it best to keep Malady cooped up inside and out of the public eye, and lavish all of their attention and care onto the healthier twin Melody. (And also decided to be cheeky and give them their thematic names.) But Melody, bright and energetic, would form fast and unbreakable bonds with her sister. Malady, for her part, was weak and sickly from her illness, but was always determined to return her sister's affection to the best of her ability - which usually resulted in completely blasting her of all her extremely limited energy. The two would become inseparable.

During their teenage years, Melody learns that her parents had no intention to seek a cure for Malady's illness, satisfied to simply wait until the disease inevitably withered her away - a view that Malady herself shared after growing up so weak and pathetic. But Melody, ever optimistic, refused to simply let things play out as they were. There had to be a cure out there, somewhere, and she would find it. Obtaining their parents' blessing, who secretly believed they had no hope of success, the sisters struck out to explore the world, chasing any tales and legends of remedies and cure-alls to find any lead whatsoever to a cure for Malady's illness. The story opens several years after this, when they are both 17 years old. The clock is ticking, and Melody's cheerful facade hides a growing desperation to save her sister. Should their sidequest be completed, they find their miracle cure and Malady recovers, though her frailty remains from 18 years of living with the affliction. But if the player decides to move on and reaches a certain other event in the story before aiding them, they will instead catch a particularly bad case of being dead - both of them.

Both wear exclusively cloth equipment, but Melody was actually designed as a tank-type character. The small and otherwise unassuming buckler on her arm is actually a rare and expensive relic thought to be from an advanced civilization, which combines magic and science - standard "magitech" fare. In combat, it projects a large energy shield capable of protecting her entire body which she can also fight with using bashing and charging moves. Her block ability is thus slightly slower to activate than a standard block, but affords total protection against attacks from the front. It can also overcharge its core, rapidly expending energy to project a force field behind her to protect allies against field-wide attacks.

Malady on the other follows the textbook squishy mage archetype. Unable to fight physically, she instead wields a valuable but otherwise normal silver magic rod, and took up summoning magic, forging contracts with abyssal creatures who feed on negativity- of which she happens to have plenty. Whenever she and the main party end up butting heads, she only fights briefly before calling forth one of her demons to fight in her stead, retreating to the back lines. She is fiercely devoted to her sister, and considers her the single most important person in the world to her - with predictably bad results when her sister dies ahead of her in their bad end.

BONUS: Naming this picture for exporting, I found I still had the original drawings of these two I did... shit, five years ago. For anyone who's curious, take a gander! It wounds my very soul to see these again...

http://i.imgur.com/S5ZG3io.jpg http://i.imgur.com/04CDVvi.jpg
(08-23-2016, 01:18 PM)Arrei Wrote: [Image: GxeJiXW.png]

Arrei, did you used to work at an animation company, or is this just something you like to do?


I used charcoal on the eyelashes and whatever you call that line above the eyelashes to make the eyes bolder (you can compare both eyes to see the difference) and implemented the test from before into this new drawing.  I'll start working from the nose to the right eye next so I can avoid smearing too much charcoal.

[Image: NGH9MaG.jpg]
[Image: uQjg3ot.jpg]


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