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Okay, now I have to speak.
I understand the strain the admins and enforcers have to keep this server friendly for everyone.
I have no problem punishing people that use racial slurs.
And I have been called out for calling someone a asshole.....  okay.
that's against the rules, I can live with that, even if the persons comment was unjustified and and they were completely in the wrong making a unjustified accusation against me.

I have nothing but respect for the admins here, they are pushed to the limit every day with BS adolescent crap.

But now it has gone to far.....
A word is a word. nothing more.
Today I was warned to choose a different word when I said "takes a real jack off to rape the public farm and not replant"
I was told "rape" was not a nice word and to choose a different word.     WHAT? REALLY?
I did not argue in chat, I have learned not to open that can of worms.......but Cmon....
I was not talking about sex.... I did not use it against anyone.... except the jack off that ripped through public.

My point is, where does it end?
can't say cake because fat people will take offense.
can't say short.... small people will be offended ?
can't say gun because my brother was killed with one......

Somewhere somehow a simple word is going to offend someone.
But how thin do we let our skin get.
You claim this is a mature server, okay so I can say
Today someone said the word "Cunt" and was shot down like a spy plane.
Okay, that word is derogatory and we can add it to the "WORDS" that this server will not
put up with....
Yes it offends girls, And it is not a nice word in ant context.
The user did not call someone that. it was just part of a sentence.

Okay, that word is derogatory and I can add it to the "WORDS" that this server will not
put up with....

But getting called out for the "WORD" rape.....Really?
I don't condone Rape, it's a terrible fact that happens every day in the real word.
And I am very sorry if it has happened to anyone. They are a victim of a crime.
BUT to call me out for using that word.......  
Sorry, I can't understand, and I think that's going to far.

enough is enough.
This server is mature. I will not be chastised for use of a "word" that is not derogatory or

Rant over.
I'll chime in on this, nothing better to do at 4am.
(I am not Staff).

Firstly, Thank you for understanding the stresses of staff on Hometown. They don't get as much credit to the smoothness of the experience as they should.

Second, I can understand people getting triggered by the word 'rape'. It is a sensitive issue for some; particularly if there are those that play who have been sexually assaulted at one point in their past. That being said, In my opinion context is what is important here. In the sentence "takes a real jack off to rape the public farm and not replant", rape is referring to an action of plundering. This is exactly how Bubba_Zanettie used the word in the sentence. (If you don't believe me, look it up folks).

Thirdly, Hometown is indeed a mature server, and while swearing is allowed, as well as using such words as "rape", directing those towards somebody is not allowed, as was found out the first time a warning was issued. This is not what occurred here if what was said is true. Maybe using a synonym in the next instance would be best, as many might get triggered when that word is used. In my opinion though, it was fine to use the word in that context. If others take issue with it, either they can message you directly, and have a debate on pm, or can learn how to read a dictionary. Words can have multiple definitions.

Fourthly, As frustrated as you are by this happening, Next time if this happens it would probably be best to contact a staff member directly and let them handle it instead of posting to the forums. But hey, it gave me something to do for a few minutes, so thank you.

Tldr: Don't let other's ignorance and butthurt personalities get in the way of you having fun, but maybe use more creative synonyms next time, else talk to staff.
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Check out Warp Bshop! 

This is a privately owned server, which means we may make any rules or censorships we deem necessary. A lot of them are arbitrary and we ask people to not make inflammatory comments in chat. Those comments tend to either be unhumorously crude, political, religious, etc. and rape founds its way into that spectrum as well. You don't have to understand it or agree with it, you just have to abide by it.

Simple as that.
[Image: MlZF3GH.png]
"C'mon, let's keep it simple, huh?  He broke the rules, I banned him."

HomeTown Rulebook

(10-23-2016, 03:09 PM)Grimm_Wolfe Wrote: This is a privately owned server, which means we may make any rules or censorships we deem necessary.  A lot of them are arbitrary and we ask people to not make inflammatory comments in chat.  Those comments tend to either be unhumorously  crude, political, religious, etc. and rape founds its way into that spectrum as well.  You don't have to understand it or agree with it, you just have to abide by it.

Simple as that.

I will abide. And if that word is in the list , then so be it.
I didn't mean to anger anyone. I am not trying to get a rise out of anyone.
I just wanted to have a discussion about how bad it is going to get in the world if people strike a
word, regardless of content. Simply due to the cogitations it may conger.
If you want free speech there's a lovely shithole of an anarchy server I believe every Minecraft player knows, all it is is a Queue Simulator 2016 play away.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


My opinion:
We don't use that word here even in a non-sexual context as it can affect people just by the word its self. I spoke to the staff member who warned you. They told you to just rephrase what you said. Nothing else. Just take this as a "lesson" to not use the slurs/words that we disallow. Anyone who uses the N word gets banned. In addition "cunt" is allowed but its something that I have rarely seen on the server.
- KatNip

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