03-02-2017, 11:55 PM
I have an island that has a village on it, with free-range villagers. I've been slowly expanding the island village with authentic buildings, paths, and lighting (nothing custom or fancy) while trying to keep the villagers alive.
I'm looking for people that are interested in helping with this project. I'm willing to pay for each successful building, as long as it is 100% authentic - no custom design, materials, etc. I want to eventually be able to fill the whole island with a big village.
For example, buildings are made with cobblestone and oak. If you were to use, say, brick and dark oak, that would not be acceptable (even though that would look way cooler).
I'm also trying not to mar the landscape as much as possible (that will become difficult, because there is a lava pit nearby, which I want to leave intact.) But I realize sometimes it's necessary to make a level plot of land to build on.
I've been quarrying in a pit on the island (marked with a torch), and chopping / replanting trees that grow on the island for resources.
There are cows and chickens on the island that I have been putting in pens made of oak fence, not intermixed. Should one or two occasionally go missing to feed my laborers, that should be fine, just seed the penned chickens and hay the penned cows.
I'm also trying not to put two of the same thing right next to each other (ex: two churches).
Here is what I'm willing to pay for each authentic building -
5 Lamp Posts = $1 (black wool, 4 torches, oak fence posts, in practical places, not all bunched together)
Path - 3 x 20 = $1 (matted grass paths)
Hut = $5
Small House = $7
Large House = $10
Butcher Shop = $15 (half slabs counter, fenced yard)
Library = $20 (include bookshelves, bench, etc.)
Blacksmith = $20 (2 ovens, chest, lava bin, etc)
Empty Library = $10
Farm plot = $2 (7x5, 2 rows tilled dirt, 1 row water, 2 rows tilled dirt, surrounded by logs)
Planted farm plot = $3 (you pick the crop, must be 100% that crop, no mix and match)
Well = $5 (10 deep well, filled with water)
Partially completed structures will be demo'd.
For samples of these buildings, see http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Village_structures .
For each building you build, we will put a sign on denoting your contribution.
If this sounds like a fun project to you, reply in the comments with your interest or questions, and we will work up a schedule.
Once the island is a complete village, if you would like to reside on the island, let me know and we'll discuss prices.
I have not claimed the island other than with signage. Shisuan knows where my island is, so hopefully everybody will play nice, no griefing, no crop raids, no slaughtering villagers, exterminating chickens/cows, demo'ing existing structures, etc.
-- Kotter (AKA Landline)
I'm looking for people that are interested in helping with this project. I'm willing to pay for each successful building, as long as it is 100% authentic - no custom design, materials, etc. I want to eventually be able to fill the whole island with a big village.
For example, buildings are made with cobblestone and oak. If you were to use, say, brick and dark oak, that would not be acceptable (even though that would look way cooler).
I'm also trying not to mar the landscape as much as possible (that will become difficult, because there is a lava pit nearby, which I want to leave intact.) But I realize sometimes it's necessary to make a level plot of land to build on.
I've been quarrying in a pit on the island (marked with a torch), and chopping / replanting trees that grow on the island for resources.
There are cows and chickens on the island that I have been putting in pens made of oak fence, not intermixed. Should one or two occasionally go missing to feed my laborers, that should be fine, just seed the penned chickens and hay the penned cows.
I'm also trying not to put two of the same thing right next to each other (ex: two churches).
Here is what I'm willing to pay for each authentic building -
5 Lamp Posts = $1 (black wool, 4 torches, oak fence posts, in practical places, not all bunched together)
Path - 3 x 20 = $1 (matted grass paths)
Hut = $5
Small House = $7
Large House = $10
Butcher Shop = $15 (half slabs counter, fenced yard)
Library = $20 (include bookshelves, bench, etc.)
Blacksmith = $20 (2 ovens, chest, lava bin, etc)
Empty Library = $10
Farm plot = $2 (7x5, 2 rows tilled dirt, 1 row water, 2 rows tilled dirt, surrounded by logs)
Planted farm plot = $3 (you pick the crop, must be 100% that crop, no mix and match)
Well = $5 (10 deep well, filled with water)
Partially completed structures will be demo'd.
For samples of these buildings, see http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Village_structures .
For each building you build, we will put a sign on denoting your contribution.
If this sounds like a fun project to you, reply in the comments with your interest or questions, and we will work up a schedule.
Once the island is a complete village, if you would like to reside on the island, let me know and we'll discuss prices.
I have not claimed the island other than with signage. Shisuan knows where my island is, so hopefully everybody will play nice, no griefing, no crop raids, no slaughtering villagers, exterminating chickens/cows, demo'ing existing structures, etc.
-- Kotter (AKA Landline)